Chapter 44 - The End

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Chapter 44 - The End

~Five years later~

~Kamila's POV~

Placing my lips firmly against his neck, I whispered a soft "Good morning".

"Mhm. Mornin" Chan's raspy morning voice resonated in the room. "Baby, I told you not to wake me up like this, haven't I?"

I chuckled, remembering the first time I've slept next to him all these years ago.

Opening my eyes slowly, I took in the beauty of our room in the morning sun. Soft rays caressed Chan's cheek, making me wonder how I was so lucky to have him in my life; how everything changed ever since I met him.


"Mina! Brekkie!" Chan shouted from the kitchen table.

"Coming!" she replied, hurrying down the stairs.

"Woah, what a nice make-up! Going on a date?" he winked as soon as he saw her.

"Thanks." Mina grinned. "It's not really a date, but..."

"Is it that cute from your class?" I nudged her elbow and winked, mastering the art of putting the eggs on plates directly from the frying pan.

"We have a project together, that's all!" Mina protested, continuing to grin. "What are your plans for today?"

"Oh, I'm just meeting the boys to show them some beats, the usual." Chan replied taking a bite of his toast.

"Niceee! I can't wait to hear them! How about we listen to them tonight?" Mina asked eagerly.

"Nah, you still have to wait for the album like everyone else."

"Damn, so what is the family privilege?!" she rolled her eyes, making me and Chan chuckle.

"You get front row concert tickets! What else?" he replied, urging Mina to take a few bites of her food.

"It's not fair! Kamila gets to hear all your songs before you release them!"

"That's because she is our stylist!" he justified in a joking manner.

"By the way-" I intervened, laughing. "- remember that you used to have a crush on Seungmin?"

 "Sis!!! That's so embarrassing!!! Please tell me you never told him that!!!" Mina covered her eyes and shook her head a few times.

"Wasn't hard to figure out, considering that your most prized possessions were the CDs he gifted you!" I continued, mocking her jokingly.

"Oh my god!!! Ok, I'm done, thanks for the food, byeee!" she quickly got up from the table and ran towards the front door, slamming it on her way out.

"She's cute." Chan smiled in his coffee cup.

"Right?! But man, I can't believe she's grown so much... Feels like she was 10 yesterday."

"For real." He agreed.

"And she's made so much progress!" I smiled.

"The doctors did tell you that she's gonna have a normal life, you just didn't believe them." He chuckled.

"I'm so glad they were right! So, anyway, you said you're meeting the boys later?"

"Yea, Changbin had some ideas as well so we're gonna start from there."

"Man, and here I was, wanting to take you out on a date tonight." I chuckled.

"We can still go. What about that sushi restaurant? Should I make a reservation?"

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