Chapter 23 - Feelings of happiness

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Chapter 23 - Feelings of happiness

~Kamila's POV~

We entered the lounge and, as Han informed us, the rest of the boys and the manager were already inside.

"Hey!" Chan said, making everyone's heads turn to us.

"KAMILA???" I.N got up from his seat and came running to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Jeongin! It's good to see you." I petted his head and he smiled pleased.

I.N reminded me of Mina. He was obviously way older, but his demeanour and how excited he spoke to everyone made me think of him as I would of a younger brother.

Or a puppy.

"You don't have any issues with her touching you, huh?" said Changbin, pulling I.N's head with his arm and ruffling his hair, which made him squirm.

"What are you doing here?" Jeongin asked, smiling ear to ear, after he managed to break free from Changbin's grasp.

The other boys were soon to get up as well and come around us.

Their manager nodded at me and cleared his throat, then started speaking:

"So... I was telling you that you're going to have a new stylist. Please meet Kamila Park. Some of you already know her from Kingdom, as she's the one who fixed your outfits. From now on, we will work with her closely to create the best looks possible for your next stages and comebacks, music videos and other TV appearances.. Welcome to the team, Mrs. Park."

"OMG!!! YOU ARE OUR NEW STYLIST??? I'M SO HAPPY" Jeongin started jumping around, grabbing my hands.

"Yah, let us meet her as well, won't you?" Changbin slapped his hands away.

"I'm Changbin!" he jokingly gave me his hand to shake. "But you know that already, since you love my measurements, right?" he winked.

"Pff, weren't you upset last time we met?" I scoffed.

"Bin was upset? Why?" Felix came closer to me and smiled.

"He was jealous cause I didn't pay attention to him during Kingdom!"

"Yahh, don't tell on me!!"

We all laughed for a bit, before Felix started again:

"Kamila, I'm so happy to see you again. Let's be great friends, yes?" he hugged me and I understood why everyone was calling him the "Sunshine" of SKZ.

"Thank you so much, Felix." I hugged back. "I'm also happy to be here."

That was the truth. I was truly happy. It was the first time in ages that I felt like this.

And I only had one person to thank.

After I let go of Felix, I turned my body to face Chan, still having a smile plastered across my face. He raised and eyebrow at me as if to ask "What's up?" and smiled as well.

"Thank you." I said, while putting my hands around his neck and pulling him into a hug.


(A/N) I'm back, bitches~

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