Chapter 41 - Wanna sleep together?

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Chapter 41 - Wanna sleep together? 

The next few days, JYPE's building was swarming with reporters that were trying to get their hands on the hottest topic in the entertainment industry: Chan's feud with one of Stray Kids' main sponsors.

JYP's lawyer team was working harder than ever with the evidence Felix got on tape. I also had to work with them a lot to prepare my testimony in court, since I was the key witness. It was a stressful time for everyone in the company.

And if that stress wasn't enough, my sister's surgery was just around the corner.

10th of January.

Only a few more days and Mina will hopefully get better.


~Chan's POV~

"I'm not sure that's a wise decision, Chan."

"Why not?" I questioned JYP. "I understand that being an idol comes with the responsibility of keeping your private life as... private as possible. But wouldn't it be better in this case to let everyone know of our relationship?"

He seemed to think for a second, before starting to speak again.

"Chan, I understand how important this girl is to you, but... Just imagine: as soon as the press releases that YOU, Stray Kids' leader, are dating someone, everyone will go crazy. They will dig up dirt on her you didn't know existed. Hell, they might dig something up that even she doesn't know exists. They will eat her alive. And you know they will use all their energy to make your and her life miserable. Is that what you want for her going further?"

I knew he was right, but there was a battle inside of me between wanting to show the whole world how much I love Kamila and wanting to protect her from this kind of life.

At that time, I still wasn't sure which one I should choose.

"Just think about it. Maybe talk it over with her. Does she want you to announce your relationship? Does she want to be followed by paparazzi everywhere? To be asked intrusive questions by reporters about you and your private affairs non-stop? That's what she'll deal with. Shouldn't she have the right to choose?"

He had a point.

I should talk to Kamila first.

She would definitely accept this life, since it's how life with me would be like.

... right?


"It's so good to finally see you!" Kamila said, running to me and practically jumping in my arms.

I love her so much.

"I missed you." I told her sincerely. I truly did.

"Me too. How was your day, hm?"

"It was... complicated. What about yours?"

"Ugh, tell me about it."

I raised an eyebrow at her, urging her to continue.

"These reporters, man. I was barely able to walk in the building this morning. I even went through the back door and I still got like 40 questions. 'Do you know Bang Chan?', 'What really happened during New Year's Eve Party?', 'How are the idols doing?'. It's tiring as fuck." She sighed.

"I... I'm sorry for putting you through this." I told her, using a way sadder tone than intended. Did she pick on it?

She returned a gentle smile and caressed my face with her left hand. Her touch was as gentle as her face, and she spoke quietly.

"Channie, you don't have to apologise. If anything, I should be the one to apologise to you. This happened because of me after all. But that doesn't matter anymore."

"I just know how annoying this kind of life can be. Being followed everywhere, being judged by everyone... do you want this, Kamila?"

Her eyes got wide, as if surprised by my question. But soon enough, her gentle smile was painted on her face once more.

"If being with you means living like this... then I have to learn how to hide from dispatch!" she said, making me chuckle. 

"No, but seriously, I meant it the other day. I want you, all of you, and everything that comes with the life that you chose. I will be here to support you every step of the way. And I don't give a shit about what anyone else says about me. I know me. You know me. That's what matters. Okay? I love you."

"I love you." I replied, kissing her lips.

"But Channie... Can I talk to you about something...?" she said, moving away.

"Mhm. What's up?"

"Mina's surgery is in 3 days... do you think you can maybe..."

"I'll be there."

"Really???" her face lit up.

"Of course. Mina's part of my family now. I want to be there for you both."


~Kamila's POV~

Seeing Chan after a whole week felt really refreshing.

This time away from him really got me thinking... how did we get so close?

And the fact that he knew what I wanted to ask before I even finished the sentence?

I love this man so much.

"I really missed you. And thank you for wanting to come to the hospital with me." I said, hugging him.

"I really missed you too, baby. I wish we'd stay like this forever." He replied softly, hugging me back tight.

With a small chuckle, I asked him "Wanna hug me more?"

"Yes. I wanna hug you non-stop."

"Let's get some superglue and stick our bodies together. Nothing will be able to break us apart." I joked.

"Except for acetone or rubbing alcohol."

"Pfft" I laughed. "True."

Chan kissed the top of my nose. I really didn't want to let go, so I decided to get a little bold.

"Wanna sleep together?"

Hug me more - Bang Chan Fanfic Romance (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now