Chapter 35 - Parents' house

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Chapter 35 - Parents' house

~Kamila's POV~

We headed to my place so I could grab some clothes, and then went to Chan's parents' house.

The drive to their house was filled with laughter, as we were singing our hearts out to the songs on the radio and doing little dances.

I haven't felt this happy in so long, it was almost too good to be true.

Once we reached the house and got in, we were welcomed by Berry, Chan's cute dog. Soon enough, we heard steps down the stairs and a slim figure nonchalantly looked down and screamed: "Mom, dad, Chris is home!" while eating chips.

Her eyes wondered on me and, when she noticed that I was there, she dropped the chip in her mouth and turned around, running up the stairs and screaming:


Me and Chan chuckled at that, but we were interrupted by her coming down again, and stopping in front of us.

"Hello! I'm Kamila." I reached out my hand to shake hers.

"I'm Hannah! Sorry for earlier, just wasn't expecting Chris to come back with... someone." She did cute gestures with her hands. "So what's up?"

"Are you gonna ignore your older brother?" Chan giggled.

Hannah looked him up and down with a monotone face, and turned her attention to me again, without replying to him.

"Wanna go to the kitchen and eat something?" she said to me excitedly.

I nodded.

"Yah! Come here brat!" Chan reached his arm and grabbed Hannah, pulling her in a hug.

"ewww, let me goooo"

"I don't want toooo cause I missed youuu"

Chan's parents came down as well, hearing the commotion, and were just as surprised as Hannah to see me.

They hugged Chris as well, who then introduced me to them.

"Mom, dad, this is Kamila, my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you and thanks for having me over!" I replied and bowed politely.

"It's nice to meet you too!" Chan's dad said, while his mother pulled me in a hug and said "Welcome, please make yourself at home."


We all went into the kitchen and me and Chan were bombarded with questions about how we met, what our plans for the future were and so on.

"So, did you tell the company?" Chan's dad asked, making me tense up.

"Not yet." Chan replied, glancing at me. "But we should."

"You no longer have a dating ban though, right?" Hannah asked.

"I don't... but we still have to sign an NDA and keep everything private."

I nodded. I knew that dating an idol will come with some responsibilities and, most of all, restrictions.

"Being an idol sucks." Affirmed Hannah.

"Language, miss!" Chan's mom said, slapping her hand playfully.

"What is all this noise?!" a small groan could be heard from the kitchen's door.

"Lucas!!!" Chan got up and went to pick his brother up in his arms.

"Chris!!!!!" the kid shared his excitement.

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