Chapter 14 - Call me Goddess

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Chapter 14 - Call me Goddess

~Chan's POV~

I've ran after the boys for what felt like hours. They kept teasing me about the picture and I was feeling pretty refreshed after the nap with Kamila, so why not play with them a bit?

Wait, did I just think "the nap with Kamila"? I meant "the nap in the car". Yep. That's right.

I ate some snacks and couldn't help but notice Jeongin going to Kamila, who seemed a bit drunk. I could see him inviting her to dance and her nodding then getting up. She could barely stand, but she made it to the dance ring and had a blast with Innie. I was glad they were having fun.

~After about an hour~

After coming back from the bathroom, I've seen Jeongin sitting down again, which meant that Kamila was doing something else. I was super curious for some reason, so I glanced to her seat.

She was sitting again next to Bora and drinking. Then, out of nowhere, I heard her shout and slap the table in front of her.

"You know what?! You were actually such a bitch in the beginning."

"Whaaaaaaaaat?" Bora responded annoyed. She was clearly drunk as well.

"Like, how could you be so nastyyyyyyy to meeeeeee?" said Kamila while starting to cry uncontrollably.

Seeing that, Bora started to cry too and screamed "I'm sorrrryyyyyyyyy." while pulling her into a hug.

Huh, I should keep my promise and take Kamila home... like right now. She's wasted.


"Kamila, come, let's get you home."

"Channie???" she smiled widely at me.


"Pfft, did you just use my nickname? Should I give you one as well?" I joked.

"Channie!" she said, while jumping in my arms happily, like a little kid. She calmed down at this point and was no longer crying. I couldn't help but smile back at her. She was so cute right now.

"Mhm, you can give me a nickname if you want. But before thaat~ Boraaa, do you know how easy it was to do Chan's make-up? He stood so still! Literally the perfect client!" Kamila smiled proudly while pulling me a bit closer and resting her head on my chest. She then nodded her head at Bora, waiting for her confirmation, but Bora was at that point dead asleep on the table. I could see about 7 bottles of Soju around. How much did these two drink?

Then, out of nowhere, Kamila let go of me and kicked Bora with her leg. "Yah, wake up!", which made Bora groan.

"D- don't hit her! She's your boss!!! How many glasses did you have?" I asked her, concerned. Thank the heavens that Bora was still unresponsive.

"Oooooh, I don't knowwwww... maybe like... 10?" she giggled.

"Is that why you're so drunk, Kami?" I teased

"Noooo. I'm nooot druuunk. Just tipsy! Swear!"

"Yea, suuure."

"By the way, I like Kami. Y'all should worship me, like the Goddess I am, hehe." (A/N: Kami is "God" or "Deity" in Japanese)

"You definitely had too much alcohol."

"Chris, you know what?? Let me tell you a secret" she gestured me to come close. And now she called me Chris?

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