Chapter 12 - Your warm embrace

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Chapter 12 - Your warm embrace

~Kamila's POV~

The next thing I knew was that I was in his arms. He pulled me into a very intimate hug and I felt like crying, but managed to control myself in time, before the tears had formed in my eyes.

I was so exhausted, and hearing that my sister is in surgery with an infection in her leg didn't help my mood at all.

And the "best" part? Her surgery to remove the infection is gonna be hella expensive, and the medicine... a lot more, which I quite obviously don't have. Fucking hell. I swear, I can't catch a fucking break.

But now I was feeling so calm in his arms... like nothing else mattered. Chan's hug was all I needed. I haven't been hugged by anyone in ages and I don't get to ever unload, since I don't have any friends left and since it's so difficult to form relationships with the others around me.

How can I trust anyone again after being betrayed, thrown out like that?

After Chan stopped hugging me, he asked:

"Look, the boys and I truly wanted to thank you for today. We are having a small party. There will be some food and drinks, we'll listen to some music, dance and just have fun together. We were wondering if you... would like to join us? We've also invited the team that helped you with our clothes and make-up. We're all really grateful."

"That sounds real fun." I smiled. Should I go? I'm so tired... "But I'm not sure if I should come... I feel like passing out any minute now."

After thinking for a few seconds, Chan spoke.

"Well, there's about 3 hours back to Seoul. If you want to, we'll give you a ride in our car and you can sleep on the way back, have dinner with us and then I'll take you home so you can rest. How does that sound?" He smiled.

It did sound good.

"Okay." I smiled back. "But first, let's take off your make-up."


After cleaning off Chan's (perfect) chest, back and face, I've also helped Jeongin with his make-up and then I started packing while the boys showered.

We headed off together to the car they came here in. The driver was waiting for us and informed us that the first car, with some of the boys in it, has already left almost 20 minutes ago.

The car we went in was spacious and had 6 seats (without the driver's). Chan helped me to the last seat and then came to sit next me, on my left side. In front of us were Felix, Jeongin and Seungmin, and next to the driver was the manager.

I was truly grateful that they let me come with them. The small van the makeup team came in was very uncomfortable, I barely had any space to move my feet and we were like sardines in there. To that, mix Do-yun's awkward attitude when he's around me and you get a pretty awkward three-hour ride.

But here, I had a lot of space, the boys' voices were pleasant to hear, and I could smell Chan's amazing perfume. I felt almost intoxicated by it. He smelled heavenly.

The driver left the parking lot after we were all seated. Without wanting to, I dozed off...


I felt a stinging pain in my neck. Guess I fell asleep. What am I resting my head on?

I groaned, massaging my neck carefully, and opened my eyes slowly. The first thing I saw was Chan's cheek and lips. I was so close to him I could feel his breath on my skin. He had his eyes closed and seemed asleep as well.

He looks so beautiful.

He then suddenly took a deep breath and woke up, turning his head and looking me straight in the eyes.

"Huh... good morning?" he said, confused as heck, and then yawned.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Hey. Guess we both fell asleep."

Then I realised my head was still resting on his shoulder. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. I could feel my heart beating faster.

"Sorry for borrowing your shoulder" I said, trying to joke this weird situation off. I took my head off his shoulder and straightened my back, trying to stretch, and again massaged my neck a bit, since it was so sore and stiff after the nap.

I hoped Chan wasn't upset or anything. We just met today and it felt like I've crossed some sort of boundary by being so comfortable and falling asleep on him.

"Sorry for what? After how much you've helped us today, my shoulder is all yours! Borrow it anytime!" He laughed.

What is this... weird thing I'm feeling?

Damn Kamila, you've been so deprived of human contact that your heart flutters way too easily. Get a grip.

"Where is everyone, anyway?" asked Chan. I was so out of it that I didn't even notice that we were alone in the parked car.


(A/N) sooo, as promised, this is the first new chapter of today. @Shumin12 and @moonsdarktales , sorry for the delay! I'll soon post the other one as well. Let me know what you think. :D

For anyone else that comes across this chapter, please check the stories by my friends I've mentioned above as well. You won't be disappointed!

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