Chapter 33 - Your embrace

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Chapter 33 -  Your embrace

~Kamila's POV~

Timid sunrays engulfed the room as I quietly opened my eyes, my head still nestled in Chan's neckline and my arms still hugging his frame, while he kept my body close, protectively.

A Christmas with no snow. I thought, admiring how magical the sun reflected its rays on the small room's walls, creating all sorts of shapes.

I could feel that something was... different inside of me.

For the first time in my life, I felt content with everything. I felt like I had the emotional support I needed to embrace my past and fight it head-on, fearlessly.

I felt like I was ready to accept that my parents were gone for good, that me and Mina only had each other.

Of course, I knew I could now rely on someone else as well.

I slowly lifted my head and pressed my lips gently on Chan's neck, whispering a small "Thank you". I let my lips rest there for a bit, while I breathed in his scent.

I felt safe.

I felt cared for.

I felt a new emotion that I've never felt as strongly before.

An emotion that made my heart beat faster.

An emotion that made my heart want to keep beating.

My train of thoughts got cut off by a groan, that made me break off the touch between my lips and Chan's neck.

"Huh, baby, please don't wake me up like that, I'm gonna go crazy." Chan grunted, shifting in his bed so that now our bodies were facing each other, each of us laying on their side.

I chuckled at his remark, searching his eyes for the same emotion I was harbouring inside my chest.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, shyly.

"Mhm, the best." Chan nodded and closed his eyes slowly. "Are you feeling any better?"

Hearing his question, I could only smile, thinking that his first thought when he woke up was to make sure I was doing okay.

"I am. I am truly happy."

"That's good to hear." Chan smiled, his hand caressing my cheek, his pupils opening up again, revealing the most beautiful pair of eyes in the universe.

~Chan's POV~

Kamila is so beautiful.

Her face is glistening under the soft sunrays, making me want to keep watching every detail, every small wrinkle forming around her eyes when she smiled.


I swallowed, trying to calm myself, to stop my heart from beating so fast.

She smiled again, drawing my attention to her lips.

Oh, how plum they looked right now.


How would it feel like kissing them?


Would they feel as good as they did on my neck a few minutes ago?


Caressing her face with my right hand, my thumb unconsciously moved towards her lips, grazing them.

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