Chapter 38 - Old feelings

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Chapter 38 - Old feelings

"Kamila, this is Min Young, one of our main sponsors. Min, this is Stray Kids' stylist, Kamila Park." Chan introduced us happily while Min extended his hand to grab mine and take it into a kiss.

"Nice to meet you. Kamila, yes?" He askef with a daring look.

I didn't have any reaction at first, finding it impossible to pretend that I was meeting Min for the first time.

Min, my ex.

Min, the dude that made it so difficult for me to trust anyone else.

Min, the bastard who took advantage of me when I was at my lowest.

"Hello." I muttered quietly and averted my gaze, taking my hand back from his grasp.

Chan seemed to notice that something was wrong, as he shoot me a questioning look, which I managed to avoid before he became even more suspicious.

I couldn't let him notice the fear in my eyes.

After seeing how he's reacted when Do-yun grabbed my hand and I got scared, who knows what he'll do once he finds out that Min is the one who thought he had ownership over my body to sell.

Chan is still an idol.

He can't fight anyone, especially not one of his sponsors, and especially not at this party.

It would reflect badly on his and Stray Kids' image.

I couldn't risk that happening.

His image is important.

More important than my feelings right now.

I have to leave, and I have to leave fast.

"Anyway" I started, my eyes scanning the room and noticing a plausible escape route. "I have to go meet Bora for your looks next weeks."

"Aww, leaving us so early?" Min said with a small pout.

I smiled and quickly left the pair before he could say anything else.


What was Min doing here?

For real... one of Stray Kids' sponsors?

This guy?

Probably it's one of his father's investments...

Instead of going to Bora, I headed straight to the bathroom where I had a full-blown panic attack. After 15 minutes, I started regulating my breathing.

I can't let him have this effect on me.

Not anymore.

I'm not the weak Kamila I was 2 years ago.

I fixed my make-up and looked in the bathroom mirror, giving myself silent encouragements.

Get yourself together. I thought and took deep breaths.

Breathe in.

It's okay.

Breathe out.

Think carefully.

Knowing Min, he wouldn't let me go that easily.

It was weird of him to not find me all this time, since he was the revengeful type. He would surely try something tonight.

I have to think of something.

A plan to defend myself.

A plan to make sure I will never cross paths with him again.


"Hey Lix, can I talk to you privately?"

"Sure Kam."

I felt bad robbing Felix of spending time with the guys and having fun, but I needed someone I trusted – someone other than Chris.

We walked together to the big garden behind the house.

"Hey, are you okay?" Felix asked, breaking the silence after noticing that I'm nervous and shaking.

"Yes..." I answered unsure.

"What's up?"

"I need you to do me a favor."

"Sure, anything for you." He said with an innocent smile.

Oh, Felix. What I will ask you to do...

"Please take my phone. The code to unlock it is 0310."

"Isn't that Chan's birthday date?" Lix teased me with a smile. If the situation were any different, I would've definitely teased him back about his lock screen Hyunjin picture.

But it wasn't.

"I need you to take it. Hide behind that bush there and wait. I will come with a guy in about 10 minutes and-"

"Kam, what are you talking about?"

"Please, just... listen. I will come with a guy soon. I need you to start filming us as soon as we come."

"Does Chan know about this...?"

"Felix... please don't tell him any of this. I know I sound crazy right now, but... Please. I'm begging you."


"I need you to promise me you won't tell him anything.

"You have my word."

"And I need you to promise me something else as well..."

"What is it?"

"No matter what happens... no matter what you'll see or hear, or what that guy will try to do to me... you won't intervene. You will just film."

"Kamila... this sounds serious. What's going on? Who is this guy?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anything right now. Can you promise me this?"

"Are you in any danger?" he asked, scanning my face for any answer.

"Lix, please." I pleaded.

I knew it was unfair to him to ask him to not do anything, no matter what.

But I couldn't let him get dragged into a scandal because of me.

I just needed him to film.

He sighed. "I... I will help you... but if anything turns dangerous... I'm not sure if I can keep that promise. But I will film whatever you need me to."

"Thank you. For real. Now, go hide."


I walked back into the full-blown party and tried to look more confident than I felt, being more conscious than ever of my irregular breathing and heartbeat that was threatening to break free from my chest.

It didn't take long for Min to notice me. He was staring at me from across the room, so after I made sure his eyes were still on me, I started walking towards the exit.

Please follow me.

I exited the house and went straight to the garden, looking around to see if I could spot Felix.

I couldn't.

The first part of the plan was successful.

Now... let's hope Min bites the bait.


(A/N) I'm finally back with a long-awaited (or not?) update!

It was, in fact, Min the ex.

What do you think will happen???

Ily <3

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