Chapter 15 - Hazy morning

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Chapter 15 - Hazy morning

~Kamila's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing loudly. My head was pounding with pain.

I shouldn't have drunk so much...

I looked down and noticed I was still wearing yesterday's clothes, but I had no shoes on.

Wait... how did I even get home?

I couldn't remember anything. The last thing I recalled was Bora pouring me glasses... and then... blank. Trying to remember hurt my head more.

I looked at my phone and noticed a few unread messages.


Unknown number

Heyy Kamila, this is Felix. Just as I promised, here are the pics! 😊


Attached were a few pictures of me and Chan sleeping, taken from different angels. There was even a close-up of how he was gently resting his hand on my wrist. I stared at the pics for a few minutes while smiling uncontrollably.

Should I use one of these as my screen? Maybe the hands one... no one would be able to tell it's me and Chan.

Kam, wtf are you thinking? Of course you can't use them. What if Chan or someone from Stray Kids see it? What would they think?

After realising that I've been smiling like an idiot for 10 minutes straight and that my internal monologue made me seem like a crazily obsessed person, I've decided to just reply to Felix and then open and read the other message I had.


Unknown number

Hey, it's Chan. I'm so sorry for invading your privacy by getting your phone number and entering your apartment without your permission. You fell asleep in my car and I didn't know where to take you, so I looked through your phone and found your address saved in the Notes. Sorry!

P.S.: If you need anyone to talk to, message me anytime.


Mystery solved.



Chan, thank you so much for taking me home last night. I'm the one who should be apologising for being a nuisance to you.

Please don't worry about invading my privacy. As I was apparently so drunk, it was the most obvious solution you could've come up with.

I'm the one who shouldn't have fallen asleep somewhere random in the first place.

Thank you again for taking such a good care of me.

P.S.: Same goes to you. I'm here for you as well if you need a friend. 😊


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