Chapter 26 - Spin the bottle

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Chapter 26 - Spin the bottle

~Chan's POV~

"Guys, even if we're playing Spin the Bottle, we can't drink any alcohol. We have an early day tomorrow." I reminded my team.

"Ok, but since we won't be drinking, how about this: when we pick truth, we HAVE TO answer the question no matter what, and if we refuse, we HAVE TO do a dare instead? And the other way round." Proposed Changbin.

"Like, instead of taking a shot?" Kamila raised an eyebrow.


"Yea, that sounds good to me." Nodded Lee Know. "But don't give me strange dares like last time please."

Kamila shot me a questioning look, but I just shook my head in response and mouthed "Don't ask".

"Can I start?" asked Felix, grabbing a water bottle and putting in the middle.

After everyone's agreement, Felix spun the bottle and it landed on Han.


"Hmmm, which is your favourite hair color?"


Han got hold of the bottle and spun it again, landing on Seungmin.


"I dare you to make Hyunjin scream."

"What?" asked Hyunjin in disbelief. "Why???"

Seungmin got up and went behind Hyunjin, starting to tickle him.

"Stop, stooOOpP!"

"k, done"

Next time, the bottle landed on Changbin.


"Read your latest Google search out loud."

"... fine. It's 'Average male height korea' ".

The boys started laughing, while Seungmin mocked Changbin.

"And were you at least average?"

"At least he searched for average height and not average dick size" laughed Lee Know.

"Oh, fuck you." Replied Changbin.

"Omg, there's a girl around, stfu." I said hastily, even though Kamila was already laughing her ass off.

"You know what? All the questions and dares until now were boring af. Let's spice it up a bit, shall we?" continued Changbin.

The bottle landed on Kamila.



"Deal with it."

"Am I the hottest boy you've ever met?" *wink*

"What kind of question is that?" asked Kamila laughingly.

"Would you rather I gave you a dare then?"

"No. You're not."

"What?! Who is?"

"Just one question bro, you've lost your chance." Replied Kamila in a sassy manner and spun the bottle. This time, it landed on me.

"Channie, truth or dare?" she teased me.


"Why did you pretend you didn't hear Changbin earlier, when he said that you wanted to use a picture of us as wallpaper?" she asked, showing me a mischievous grin.


"Why don't you answer huh?" asked Changbin.

"Jeongin, it seems that you have some competition." Said Seungmin matter of factly.

"Just... dare. Let's hear the dare." I repeated.

"Ok... I dare you to... tell us which is your favourite body part of each person in this circle."

"Ooh, that's a good one." Felix said.

Thanks for nothing Felix...

"Hmm, okay." I started. "Firstly, Lee Know, your thighs. Felix, your smile. Han, your cheeks, Jeongin, your eyes. Hyunjin, your whole slim body. Changbin, your hips. Seungmin, your hands. And Kamila..."

Don't hesitate, don't hesitate, don't say something stupid.

Arghhhh what should I say?

"Yes?" she still had the grin plastered on her face.

"Your lips."

"Yahh, don't say that around small children!" Minho said, covering I.N's ears.

"You're a pervert, Hyung." Replied I.N, fake crying.

"I'm sorry for you Kamila. You're a target for this old man." Seungmin petted Kamila's shoulder with pity.

"Old? I'm not old! And I'm not a pervert!"

"Uhm yes you are old, you're like, half 50." contradicted Seungmin.

"ANYWAYS." I spun the bottle, and it landed on I.N.


"Which concept would you want to do the most?"

"Sexy." He happily spun the bottle, making it Kamila's turn again.

"Kami <3. Truth or dare? I'll be gentle with you."

"Hmmm, this time I'll pick dare." She said.

"I dare you to show us your wallpaper."

"Aww Jeonginnie, that's easy enough! Here."

The moment she turned her phone to us, she got a notification.

A message from Do-yun.


(A/N) i'm struggling a lot to make interactions seem natural

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