Chapter 29 - Red Lights

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Chapter 29 - Red Lights

~Kamila's POV~

The next day I went to the dance practice and met with Chan, Changbin and Han, who told me all about the storyline they thought of for the performance of "I'll be your man".

Hearing them, I got some ideas and did most of the looks for the backup dancers in day one, and in the following days I had so many people come by the office to get their measurements, that I got overwhelmed.



I thought while glancing at my phone's screen, showing 02:34.

I was browsing through hundreds of catalogues from the sponsors to choose appropriate outfits for the boys so I can start putting everything together and sewing the outfits and didn't keep track of the time.

My eyes were killing me, I needed a break.


I got up from the couch in my office and headed towards the kitchen to grab some water.

It was already too late to head home, so I thought I'd just take a quick break, work a bit more and sleep on the couch.


The kitchen's light is on... I wonder why.

I went through the door and saw someone at the vending machines.



"Pfft, calm down, it's just me." I laughed, looking at his startled expression.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same thing!"

"Fair enough." He chuckled

"I lost track of time while working and missed the bus. I came to get some water so I can get fresh as a daisy to keep working for a bit longer since I'm spending the night anyway."

"Hmmm, fresh as a daisy you say? Well, you're cute like one for sure." Chan said, while arranging my hair a bit.


I didn't think anyone's gonna be here so I didn't pay any attention to my messed up hair.

Bad move, Kam.

"So what are you doing up?"

"Working as well."

"Don't you have a dance practice in like 7 hours?"

"I do, when did you learn my schedule?" he winked.

"Don't be so full of yourself Channie, Hyunjin's supposed to come after the practice to talk about his video." We both laughed a bit.

I grabbed some water with Chan and we both headed back.

When we reached his door, he stopped and asked me:

"Hey, you wanna come in?"


"I mean, if you want to keep working and not go home yet, you can come work with me. We'll work alone together." Chan smiled.


"That sounds nice, but shouldn't you go to sleep?"

"I will in about an hour. But until then, come inside." He gestured me.

"Shouldn't I grab some things first so I can... you know... work?" I chuckled.

"True, let's go together then!" he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my office.

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