Chapter 18 - JYP's decision

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Chapter 18 - JYP's decision

~Present day: Monday, Kamila's POV~

Today is the day.

My anxiety has only grown worse this weekend and the nausea never went away, despite trying to stay hydrated and eating three meals a day (thanks to Chan) these past two days.

While sitting in the waiting room, waiting to be called into the same conference room where I've first signed my contract, I felt the need to throw up so badly, I was afraid I'd start projectile vomiting right then and there.

I've tried to keep my calm as much as possible, but my hands were shaking, and I could hear my heart beating faster and faster.

Please, calm down Kamila, everything will be fine. Just calm down.

Just as I was thinking this, Bora came out of the room and called me in.

Here goes nothing.

As I've entered the room, I could see two other people inside. JYP himself and... Chan?

"Hello, you must be the famous Kamila Park! I am Park Jin-young. It's nice to finally meet you after hearing so much praise from both Bora and Chan. Please, sit down." He smiled kindly, pointing me to the seat in front of him.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I am Kamila Park." I smiled back, bowed and then glanced at Chan, who was also smiling at me. Seeing him, I gained a bit more courage, but I was still pretty stressed.

He mouthed "Breathe", which made me inhale deeply and become more relaxed.

"So, I've heard that you've saved our boys." JYP broke the silence with a laugh.

"Oh, "save" is a big word. But thank you for all the praise, I'm glad I could be of help to them."

"I see you're humble. Just like Chan right here. I swear, this boy never takes credit for anything. You both should be more like me!" He laughed again, louder this time, which made me, Chan and Bora burst out laughing as well.

"Anyway, Bora told me you've done an amazing job as a make-up artist and was adamant about keeping you in her team. Apparently, your vision was very unique compared to the other 3 make-up artists, you are a hard worker and you did the job quickly."

Oh my god. Does that mean I'll get to keep my job???

"However, I can't let you keep working as a make-up artist, unfortunately." He said with a stern face.

I swear, the moment he said that my face went completely pale.

"But... then... why? What did I do wrong?"

"Oh, you did nothing wrong, relaaax." He laughed. "Actually, I was thinking that you could become the main stylist of Stray Kids. You would coordinate a team and design all of their looks going forward. What do you say?"

I gasped loudly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Wow... I'm... speechless." I laughed a bit to ease the tension. "How... but, how come you're offering me this position?"

"The members of Stray Kids, their manager, Bora, and especially Chan couldn't stop talking about how amazing you were. I decided to trust their judgement and oversee your lack of experience since you've proved yourself to be reliable during Kingdom. Thus, I'd like to welcome you as part of Stray Kids' team, if you'd agree."

Hearing this was surreal. I've glanced at Chan who was still smiling at me and nodding his head. It was like he was telling me to take the offer already.

"So, about the contract" JYP continued. "It is the same contract you've had to sign when you've joined the make-up team, but it's of course for an unlimited time and the pay is also changed. Please check and let us know if it's up to your standards."

Glancing at the papers he gave me, I wanted to gasp again, but managed to control myself in time. The pay was life-changing money for the situation I was in. I couldn't believe it.

"Yes, uhm, everything is fine, I will of course sign it. But... there's something I have to ask about."

JYP raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

Even Chan seemed a bit surprised, but there was something very important that I had to take care of, even if it was embarrassing to bring up.

"I can see that I will receive the first paycheck in a month from now. I'm actually in quite a few financial troubles... I have a lot of debt and I must pay some money towards it monthly, which was no problem until now, but... my sister had an emergency surgery and it's difficult to keep up with this month's payments. Would it be possible to receive at least the first month in advance?"

"Hmmm, I understand." He seemed to think for a bit before he continued. "Regarding your sister's treatments, you should be able to have it covered through the insurance we provide. It might not cover the previous expenses, such as the surgery, but the hospital stay from now one shouldn't be a problem. But ... about the debt you've mentioned, what kind of debt is it, if you don't mind me asking?"

I sighed a bit. This was really not something I wanted to discuss with anyone, but I couldn't back down now.

"My parents passed away in an accident one year ago - or rather, almost two years ago, and they racked up a lot of debt through their company, which ultimately fell on my shoulders." I smiled sadly.

I didn't want to look up and see Chan's face. I didn't like to be a receiver of people's pity. And the fact that he knew so much about me already was quite scary.

JYP stayed silent for almost a minute, and then spoke:

"Would you mind speaking with one of our lawyers? It seems weird to me that you have to pay for your parents' debts. I will arrange a meeting for you, please bring all the relevant documents regarding this debt and let's see if we can work something out. You can bring them to me directly until 5 PM today and I will pass them to the team to review. Unfortunately, they are currently busy with a very important case, so it might take some time, but they should be done later this month. What do you say?"

"Thank you for wanting to help me. I will get all the documents." I looked at him and smiled gently.

"And regarding your request of receiving a paycheck in advance, don't worry about it. You will receive a bonus for everything you've done during Kingdom." He smiled at me reassuringly.

"Then, that's it for today, welcome to the team!" We've all stood up and JYP motioned to me and Chan that we can go, since he and Bora still had a few meetings with the other artists.

And that's how I became Stray Kids' main stylist.

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