Chapter 3 - There's no way

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Jeon Yeo-been is my inspiration for "Bora". That's how I imagined she'd look like, hence the pic above.

Btw I loveee this actress. Did you see Vincenzo?


Chapter 3 - There's no way

Confused, I followed her into the ballroom. We went directly to a very beautiful woman, who looked like she's maybe in her early 30s.

"Bora, hello my dear!" The bathroom lady says, smiling at the woman.

"Good evening, Mrs. Choi. You look amazing tonight. I truly love your dress. And that make-up look complements your outfit just right." the woman named Bora replied and returned her smile.

"Thank you, sweetheart. This right here is... Sorry, I didn't catch your name, please introduce yourself." Bathroom lady, or, I guess, Mrs. Choi, looked at me expectantly.

"Yes, hello" I chuckled nervously. "My name is Kamila Park. It's a pleasure to meet you." I bow at Bora. She smiles at me.

"Yes, yes, miss Park right here is a very talented make-up artist that would be a great addition to your team, Bora. I know you've been looking to hire some artists. Please take care of her and enjoy your night!" Mrs. Choi smiled and left us. This damn lady threw a bomb and just left. Wtf?

I looked at Bora and I could see her smile fading. I saw her turn at me and let me tell you, if a gaze could kill, I would've been dead already.

"Are you even qualified?" She asked me harshly, dropping the facade. "Do you have a diploma or anything?"

"Honestly? No... I've just done her make-up in th-"

She cuts me off. "God, I can't believe that woman. What am I supposed to do with a waitress?"

"Sorry, but I-..." but before I can say anything else, she cuts me off again

"Whatever, just make sure to be at this address tomorrow at 8. Be late and I won't be let you in the building." Bora says while handing me her business card. 

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