Chapter 19 - Chan's request

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Chapter 19 - Chan's request

~ Last Saturday, day after Kingdom at JYP Entertainment, Chan's POV, ~

"Bang Chan! My man! Good work yesterday! Congrats for the win! Sorry I couldn't join you. Did you have fun at the party?" JYP came and tapped my shoulder lightly.

"Thank you! And don't worry about it." I assured him.

"I've heard that there were some problems with your clothes. The legal team is currently taking action against the stylists in question." He had a stern look saying this.

I nodded.

"So, now that you've won, is there anything you'd like me to give you? Something like a present!" JYP quickly became very excited and completely changed his demeanour.

After being lost in thought for a few moments, I've finally realised. This was it. The perfect chance.

"Actually, yes, there is something I'd like to ask you. Could you do me a favour?"

"Hmm? Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Unusual for you to ask me for favours. What is it?"

"The person that helped us style our clothes after they were practically destroyed... her name is Kamila Park..."

"Ahh yes, the make-up artist. What about her?" JYP asked.

"I want her to be the main stylist of Stray Kids."

He raised an eyebrow.

"And why is that?"

"She's proven how talented she is. She didn't have any obligation to help us, but she assessed the situation, took charge and fixed everything in the shortest amount of time, helping us ultimately win. She had the best vision for the show... I think she'd be the perfect person going further. I want her in our team."


"We need a new stylist anyway." I continued, insisting.

"Does she have any experience though? It's difficult to simply make a random person your main stylist."

"Didn't she already show us that she can do this even without having experience?" I questioned.


"Please think about it. We also didn't have any experience, and look at us now."

"That's different. You've been in training for a lot of years."

"And so has she. She was a student at the best Design University."

"Did she graduate?"

"Not as far as I'm aware..."

"No experience and a drop out. Chan, do you realise what you're asking me to do? I won't be able to take her side if she messes up."

"She won't."

"You sure you're not setting her up for failure?"

My heart clenched at that thought. Was I really setting her up for failure? She is so talented. 

Chan, you have to keep trusting her. She won't make any mistakes. She's perfect for this, you know it.

"I'm sure."

JYP sighed.

"There's no arguing with you, is it? I will accept it, but only because you've insisted. I trust your judgement and hope this will be the right decision for Stray Kids."

"Thank you! And now that you've accepted... there's something else as well."

"Did you not ask for anything all these years just to use all your requests today?"

I chuckled. "Sort of."

"So, what is it?"

"Regarding Kamila..."

"Do you have a crush on this girl or something?" he laughed.

"What? No!"

"I was joking, now, what is it about her this time?"

"I wanted to negotiate her salary with you. I'd like you to offer her more money than the previous stylists. If there are not enough funds, feel free to take some of mine."

"Chan, why would you do something like that?"

"... It's a complicated matter. I just feel like... I have to do this"

Sensing I don't want to talk more about the matter, JYP didn't insist.

"What you're asking is ... difficult. But I'll see what I can do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with Bora to decide which make-up artists we'll keep and on which projects we'll assign them. That, and I'm scared of what else you'd request, so let's just meet up some other time, yes?"

We both laughed at that.

"Thank you again."

And with that, we shook hands and JYP went his way.

One less thing to worry about, Kami. I got you.

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