Chapter 13 - Let's drink

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Chapter 13 - Let's drink


"Yah, why didn't you wake us up? Judging from the time, we've been asleep for like 5 hours. Did you want to party without us or sumtin?" Asked Chan laughing.

We headed into the room where the small celebration was held. There were a few tables set up, I could spot Bora and SKZ's manager, the make-up team and the people who helped me sew the clothes for the performance. There also seemed to be a few of JYP's idols. I could recognise a few girls from Twice and a few boys from Day6.

I felt a bit out of place being there. I was sticking out like a sore thumb. Everyone was dressed for the party, I was wearing black jeans and a blue oversized sweater that I've worked the full day in.

"You looked soooo cute sleeping together, we couldn't possibly wake you up! Just look at you two!" Felix smirked and showed us a picture on his phone. He looked genuinely happy to show us. In the picture, my head was resting on Chan's shoulder and my right arm was hugging his waist. His left arm was holding my wrist gently and his head was resting on my head.

I blushed so hard seeing this picture. Chan also seemed flustered.

"Awwwww, Channie, don't steal Jeonginnie's girl please!" said Han laughing loudly.

"Felix!!! Delete it!!!" said Chan and tried to grab Felix's phone, who managed to get away and started running.


Felix was so cute. I just started laughing and tried to stop my heart from beating so fast. I hoped he will really send me the picture.

"Suree, it's XX-XX-XX" I screamed at him, still laughing.

"Yah, don't encourage him!" said Chan loudly to me.

"That was a cute picture" a boy behind me spoke, startling me.

I turned around to face this person whose voice I didn't recognise.

"I'm Changbin by the way" the boy said, taking my hand for a shake.

"Changbin? Nice to meet you! I'm -"

"Kamila" he smirked. "I know, you're pretty popular already."

"Popular? Why?"

"For the same reason why I'm upset with you." his smile dropped and he suddenly seemed very serious. What did I do this time?


"Yea, you've helped and got acquainted with all the boys, but you've ignored me completely!" he laughed, changing his serious demeanour.

"Waitwaitwait. I didn't ignore you! I've sewed the crystals on your jacket myself! But your outfit was one of the least damaged ones!" I laughed back.

"Not good enough. I'm not forgiving you. You have to make it up to me somehow."

"Hmmm, let me think~ would a compliment suffice?" I asked playfully.

"Let's hear."

"Your measurements are insane. How much do you work out, dude?"

"Pffft. That's all you've got? I already know I'm attractive and all." he boasted and smirked again. 

I pouted.

"Kk, I'll let you go this time. Make sure you enjoy the party! And thank you for today." He said and bowed to me in a playful manner.

"You too!" I nodded my head.


While the boys were still running around, I went and sat down next to Bora.

"Finally decided to grace us with your presence?" Bora asked me.

"Hello to you too!" 

"You did great today, I gotta give you that." She said to me while filling up the glasses in front of us. "Sorry for being such a pain in the ass, you've turned out to be amazing after all. Turns out you were an unpolished jewel." She smiled and signalled me to drink what she poured.

"Nah, don't worry about it. You were right to be upset when we met. I did get hired pretty randomly." I gulped down the drink and she poured me another one. Although it was alcohol, it tasted sweet.

I've never really been a fan of alcohol, especially after the accident, but after such a long day, taking my mind off everything with some Soju didn't seem so bad. Bora kept pouring me drinks and I kept drinking them, feeling myself getting tipsier. The night rest of the night became a blur.


(A/N) Aaand here is the other chapter I've promised to post today.

I will upload the next one in the following days! 

Thank you for reading my story <3

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