Chapter 16 - Guardian Angel

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Chapter 16 - Guardian Angel

~Last night, after the party, Chan's POV~

Shit, she didn't give me her address.

What should I do?

Should I wake her up?

Or ... should I maybe take her to the dorms?

Yea, I could take her to my room, let her sleep there, and I'd crash at Felix's.

But what would she think if she woke up in my bed?

Kam in my bed...

Chan, wtf are you thinking. I slapped my forehead.

This was wrong. I shouldn't think of that. Kamila is just a sweet girl who's helped us. That's all.

Focus, Chan. Where do we take her?

Maybe to a hotel nearby?

Nonono, that's even worse than the dorms. What if dispatch sees us? After all, you can do the most innocent thing in the world and dispatch would create a scandal out of it.

I can't let that happen to Kamila.

And then I've noticed the visible shape of a phone in her pocket.

Maybe if I'm lucky I can find her address somewhere...

She had a password, but thankfully she enabled unlocking her device through the fingertip, so I took her right hand and managed to get into her phone.

I've started searching her menu for any possible clues, and I found the Notes. Maybe there's something here?

As soon as I'd opened the notes, the first thing that popped up was a document titled "Bills & shit".

Pfft, what a name! I chuckled.

This was the last document she's opened, so it stayed right open. I didn't want to snoop, but my eyes fell on a few numbers on there that I assumed were Kam's budgeting.

What the fuck?

No wonder she couldn't afford even the basic necessities, such as food. This girl had a huge debt. These numbers are higher than what's in my bank account, and I'm a fucking millionaire. She could probably redirect her whole paycheck for the next 40 years towards this and she'd still have some of the debt left.



After getting through the initial shock of the life Kam was living, I closed the tab and looked briefly through her notes to see if I could find her address, and voilà! There it was, complete address AND her door code.



I opened the door to a one bedroom + kitchen apartment. It was very small and very cold inside. Winter was approaching quickly, and Kamila didn't seem to keep the heat on.

I placed her on the bed and took off her shoes. On the bed was a pile of neatly folded clothes. She didn't seem to have any wardrobes in the small room.

This can't possibly be everything she owns. No way.

I saw about two pairs of jeans and a few sweaters. A thin jacket was hanging on the door's handle, and there was one more pair of boots at the entrance.

I started frantically opening all the kitchen cabinets and her fridge, but everything was empty, except for a few plates, two cups and tableware near the sink. I couldn't believe it.

I need to do something.

Seeing her jeans and jacket again, I remembered how much joy I felt when I was a kid and I would randomly find money I forgot about in my pockets... so I thought of doing just that.

I pulled out all the coins in my wallet and started putting some in the back pockets of her jeans and in the jacket. I knew I couldn't leave any bills; it would be way too obvious if she found money notes. But coins should pass under the radar just right.

I imagined how she would giggle when finding some coins and started smiling uncontrollably.

How I wish I could see her smiling face when she finds them.

But leaving a few won wouldn't help her too much.

What else should I do?

And with that, I went to the store and bought as many groceries as I could. I also dropped by the pharmacy and got her some medication for tomorrow's hangover.

I was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to remember anything, and I didn't want her to feel embarrassed that I was helping her with groceries, so I decided to write her a message, telling her that I've looked for a water bottle and couldn't find anything, so I just thought to get some food as well since I was making a trip to the store anyway.


With that, I left Kamila's apartment and headed off to the dorms, thinking of a plan on how to help her more.

I couldn't let her live this way... bearing this burden alone.

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