Chapter 5 - Trial and Error

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Chapter 5 - Trial and Error

Bora made me practice some of the elements I've thought of on my legs in the first few days of the first week, since the models assigned to us would only be available from the second week. Thus, the first week looked very different for the four of us. My colleagues would only do face make-up for Stray Kids, so they took a few days off, doing pretty much nothing... before Bora noticed.

"What the hell are y'all doing?!" she asked, on around day 3.

"Uhm... ahmm..." they all stuttered.

I pretty much ignored the commotion since I was actually working, but she just had to drag me into this.

"Kamila, please, for the love of God, explain to me why the four of you aren't doing anything." She was seething.

I figured I had two options:

Option number 1: I argue with her -> she gets annoyed and fires me;
Option number 2: I make something up real quick.

The obvious solution was 2, so I went with that.

"Bora! You see... we were just taking a quick break! We've actually thought of starting to practice the looks on each other since the models are unavailable this week." I smiled and kept my calm, trying to seem as confident as possible.

And it seemed to work, as Bora seemed satisfied with my answer.

"Hmmm... okay, that makes sense. Start working then."


"Kamila, the heck girl, you've saved us! Here." Lily, one of the other 3 make-up artists, came to me with a drink in her hand.

"Yea, I can't believe you made that up on the spot. I would've started crying if Bora shouted at me like that." replied Binna, the other girl in the team.

"Well, she did shout at you as well." intervened our only boy, Do-yun. "By the way Kamila, your idea is actually great. Instead of wasting time like this, we should start doing make-up on each other. That way, when the actual model come, we'll move by quicker."

The girls seemed to agree as well.


We've decided on how to pair up, and I got Do-yun as my partner, since he was the only person in the room that could undress, to let me practice some looks on his back.

"This is for sure taking a long ass time" complained Do-yun.

"Sorry, I'm still not sure how to make these look realistic." I replied defeated. I knew he's been standing down for the past 6 hours, which was for sure tiring as hell.

At this point, I've already removed and re-did his make-up several times. I understand how annoying this could be.

"Ok, look. Let's take a break and eat something, then we'll try to figure out together how to do it."

"Oof. Okay."

"Wanna grab some lunch?"

"Yea, I'm starving."

"Do you girls wanna come too?"

"Nah, we're still going to practice some more" replied Lily and Binna.


Both me and Do-yun were very tired, so we just took our time to eat lunch and relax, making some small talk.

After we've returned, I've showed him my way of doing the make-up look, doing it on my leg.

"Hmmm" he started, after examining my technique. "I see. I know what you can improve. Here, give me the brush for a moment."

I gave him the brush I was holding, and he put his hand on my thigh, holding it firmly, while he started drawing lines. He was very professional and moved with so much dexterity, I started wondering if I'm even a little bit at his level. If I'm actually good enough to be in the same team as him.

His sudden movements in grabbing my leg startled me and made me blush pretty bad. Thanks god he didn't notice.


"Wow, this looks amazing." I was stunned. When he was done drawing all the additional lines, it all came together, looking so real, you could actually think I've hurt my leg. "You did amazing." I smiled gently.

"You know, I could only do this because you've already did a great look. It's just, there are some improvements you could consider." He returned my smile.

When I've looked down, I've noticed that his hand was still on my thigh, this time laying gently. I got flustered again, moment when he's also noticed and quickly took his hand away.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, don't worry about it. Thank you so much for helping, really. Tomorrow, I'll let you do whatever you want to my face. It's your day."

He stayed silent for a moment, then asked me something unexpected.

"How about tonight?"

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