Chapter 6 - A date?

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Chapter 6 - A date?

"How about tonight?" Do-yun asked.

"Tonight...?" I gave him a puzzled look. I was not sure what he meant. "Do you want us to practice tonight? We could do that if you're not too tired..."

"No," he laughed. "I didn't'mean it like that. I meant... wanna go out tonight and eat dinner with me?"

"Oh -" that took me off guard. "I mean, sure!"

"Great! It's a date, then! 😊 Let me just go grab my things and I'll meet you in a sec." he left the room before I could say anything else, leaving me with my mouth open.

A date? Do-yun seemed like really nice guy, or that's what I figured from our chit-chat today. We've spent so many hours together and I got to know a lot of things about him.

However... I'm not sure if I should trust him...


~Flashback – 3 months after the accident~

"Min? Why did you bring me here?" I asked in a whisper, unsure, trying to find comfort in my boyfriend's eyes.

Being at this house party seems like a very bad idea. But Min is with me... so it should be okay... right? We've been together for about a year. I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to harm me... after all... he loves me.

"Baby, these are ..." he started listing off too many names for me to remember. The house was full of lots of men anywhere between 30 and 60, who wore expensive suits. Around them, very young women dressed scanty were serving them what seemed to be whiskey, or some sort of alcohol, anyway.

I grabbed Min's arm tightly and took a step behind him, in an attempt to hide myself from the hungry eyes of the men. I felt like a sheep in the middle of a pack of wolves. This whole situation seemed dangerous.

"... what is this place?"

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Didn't you say you wanted to make some money? These men are loaded and want to help you." He said with an evil smirk on his face, while kissing my cheek.

In that moment, I've let go of Min's arm and took a few steps back, before sprinting out of the mansion. This was not a red flag, it was the whole damn circus.

Min came running after me, shouting:

"Where the fuck are you going? Come back here, fucking bitch!"

"Oh my god" I started crying. I took out my phone from my bag, running still, and dialled 911.

All of a sudden, I felt my arm being grabbed back forcefully. It must've been so easy for Min to catch up to me, since I was running in heels.

"I said come back here"

"Min, what the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted crying.

"Shh, don't cry, baby" he wiped some tears from my face gently. "I just want to help you make the money you so desperately need. You'll make some good... connections here." He continued.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I said, taking his hands off my face. "That's how you want to help me? By selling me off to some... disgusting men?! I thought you loved me!"

"Pfft, loved you?! You're more stupid than you look." he laughed mockingly.

This was so shocking; this was not the Min I knew.

"I just wanted your family's company, baby. Since it turned out to be some useless shit, what the fuck am I supposed to do with you? Help you? Don't be stupid, what the fuck would I get out of that? You're of no use to me anymore." He reached to me, trying to grab my arm, but I took another step back. 

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