Chapter 20 - A new friend

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Chapter 20 - A new friend

~present day, Kamila's POV~

"Congratulations for becoming part of our team!" said Chan happily, making me smile.

"Omg, I'm so excited right now! I can't believe it!!!" I told him, squirming from happiness.

"By the way... is your sister okay? Sorry for prying, but you've mentioned an emergency surgery during the meeting..."

I smiled at Chan gently. "Yea, Mina is... truly a fighter. She had an infection in her leg that was not going away, so the doctors decided to operate. I visited her on Saturday, and she was pretty happy. She was actually watching a replay of Kingdom. Apparently, you guys are her favourites." I chuckled, remembering how happy Mina was when Stray Kids won.

"Really? That's amazing! Mina is such a cute name! Where is she staying? Me and the boys should pay her a visit!"

"Pfft, aren't you too busy for that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter, we'll make time."

"That's sweet of you. I think she'd be very happy to meet you."

"By the way, there's still some time until 5. Do you think you'd have enough time to grab lunch with me before heading home to bring the documents to JYP?"

"Of course! I gotta keep my promise after all and treat you. Thanks for taking care of me." I smiled at Chan.

"Kamila?" there stood Do-yun in the hallway, surprised to see me. He nodded at Chan, who nodded back.

"Do-yun, hello." I smiled shily. I wasn't sure how to act around him anymore.

"Uhm... did you... get to keep your job?"

"No... they decided I would be a better fit as a stylist, so I've changed camps." I laughed. "What about you?"

"I'm currently waiting for my meeting. That's why I was here."

"I see... good luck! I'm sure you'll get the job." I nodded and started walking, moment when he grabbed my hand to stop me.

This took me by surprise and made me involuntary yank my hand back. I started shaking and looked at him fearful, tears forming in my eyes.

Guess the whole Min situation is still triggering me...

I'm so stupid. What's wrong with me?

Chan noticed my reaction and instantly got in front of me, separating me and Do-yun.

"You okay, Kami?" asked Chan, seemingly worried.

"Yes... sorry for reacting like that..." I looked at the ground. I was so embarrassed by my reaction, that I wanted the earth to swallow me so I could just disappear.

"Kamila..." Do-yun's voice sounded pitiful. "Sorry – I didn't mean to startle you. I just... wanted to ask if you'd be willing to meet up later? I have something to tell you..."

"Uhm... I- I don't know... I'm quite b-busy today." I started stuttering like an idiot. I had no reason to be afraid of Do-yun, he did nothing to me.

I could see in his eyes how disappointed he was by my answer. I was still hiding behind Chan, which made the situation even more awkward that it already was. God, how can I be such an idiot?

"I see... then, I will just tell you now, if that's okay with you."

I nodded.

"I wanted to apologise for how I've acted these past few weeks, I-" He was interrupted by Bora, as she stuck her head out of the conference room and called him in.

Do-yun sighed. "I'll message you later. I'm really sorry." And with that, he left.


"Kamila, are you okay?" Chan turned to face me, diverting my attention from the conference room's door, now closed.

"I'm fine... sorry for... whatever that was. My reaction was so dumb, right?" I started laughing to ease the tension and waved my hand in the air nonchalantly.

"No, not at all. In fact, I'm quite concerned as to why you would react like that. Did he..." Chan stopped himself for a moment, looking away, before looking me straight in the eyes. "Did he do anything to you? If so, tell me right now."

Chan's expression changed to anger. He looked so serious, like he could kill somebody.

"N-no! He truly didn't. It's not him..."

I averted my gaze and stopped talking, feeling too embarrassed to continue to look at him.

"It's not him...? Does that mean that someone-"

"I'm sorry, Chan. I don't feel very comfortable talking about that..."

"... I didn't mean to be so nosy. Just know that if you need anyone to talk to, you can come to me anytime. Okay, Kami?"

I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you. By the way, you said that earlier too. What's with the nickname?" I continued, changing the subject.

"Pfft." Chan chuckled.

"Tell me!!!"

"You should remember that yourself" he stuck out his tongue at me playfully, which made me frown, then burst out laughing.

"Uhm, Chan?"


"Where are we going to eat? I'm starving."

"Oh, right." He chuckled and started moving.


He leaded me to the company's cafeteria and after getting some food we went to sit down at an empty table.

Not even 5 minutes later, Nayeon from Twice came and asked Chan if it's okay to join us.

Before Chan could introduce us to each other, she started:

"Hey, it's nice to meet you, I'm Nayeon." She smiled sweetly. She was very beautiful.

"Hello, I'm Kamila. It's nice to meet you too." I returned her smile.

"Ohhh, so she's the one you couldn't stop talking about after the party?" she tapped Chan's shoulder and smirked at him.

Chan almost spit out his water.

I decided to play along with Nayeon and tease him a bit.

"Channie, I didn't know you've been thinking of me so much." I pouted and reached out over the table to caress his arm gently.

"Yah!" he shouted and both me and Nayeon burst out laughing.

"I can already tell that we're going to be very good friends." Said Nayeon, looking at me with a mischievous grin.

"By the way Nayeon, I have some good news worth celebrating. Kamila will be our new stylist!" said Chan proudly.

"Oh my god!!" she was really surprised. "That's amazing!! Congrats!!!" then she stood up, coming to hug me from behind.

"But I'm sorry for you... you'll have to spend so much time around these annoying idio- boys." she joked, furrowing her brows. "Let's trade numbers and maybe you can come to our dorms to meet my team, so you can spend some quality time with normal people. If you want to, of course. We'd love having you around!" she continued, handing me her phone to add my number, while Chan scoffed on the other side of the table, crossing his arms in disapproval.

I forgot how it felt like to have friends. I was so glad that Nayeon was that friendly to me, even inviting me to hang out.


After having lunch with Chan and Nayeon, I went home to grab every document I could find about my parents' passing, the debts they owed, and what their attorney ultimately gave me when he informed me that I'll have to take on the debt.

I was really curious if meeting JYP's lawyers is going to help in any way, and strangely, I was feeling hopeful for the first time in a while.

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