Chapter 42 - TASTE

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Chapter 42 - TASTE 🔞

~Chan's POV~

I blinked.


She chuckled.

"I asked, do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

I felt my cheeks starting to burn slightly at her question.

It wasn't like we haven't spent the night in the same bed before, but for some reason I felt really flustered all of a sudden.

Does she mean... sleep? Or... sleep-sleep?

"Aww, you're blushing." She cooed and chuckled slightly.

"No, I'm not!" I retorted, covering my cheeks. "What's that, blushing??? Nooo, I'm not. You're seeing things, Kami."

"Sure, sure. So, my place or yours?"


We headed towards the dorm since it was closer and the chances of being seen together were way lower than if we went to Kami's.

JYP decided to let everyone go home for a bit until the Min situation calms down, so the apartment I shared with the boys, or the "dorm", was empty.

We went to my room, the first place where me and Kam kissed just a few weeks ago.

I pulled her inside and slammed the door shut, pining her against it.

Fuck, she is so beautiful.

It was like all hell broke loose as soon as my mouth found hers.

~Kamila's POV~

What was it that made us so hungry for each other's touch? Was it because we haven't seen each other in so long?

Since when are 10 days a long time?

It shouldn't be, but with Chan, even one day apart felt like too much to bear.

I wanted him.


I needed him.

I needed to feel him.

And I needed him to know that too. So I pulled him in closer, my hands reaching for his hair, as my lips desperately fought with his, our tongues raging war against each other.

We continued kissing hungrily, wanting more of each other, and I started feeling some tension building up where I wanted Chan's touch the most.

I started gently pushing him towards the bed and he got the cue quickly, as he picked me up effortlessly and basically threw me on the sheets, climbing on top of me.

I let out a soft moan when his teeth grazed my neck, surely leaving a bruise behind. But I didn't mind it. I wanted Chan to cover me in kisses all over, to leave his love bites everywhere.

I reached out to him once more and pulled on his T-shirt, which we took off in a second, exposing his toned torso and muscles. As soon as I saw him like that above me, my eyes must've gotten wide, because he smirked cheekily.

Chan's strong hands found their way to my waist, his lips following soon after. With every kiss, he would raise my shirt a little higher, until he suddenly stopped.

"Kami... this..."

The scar.

Right, he hasn't seen it yet. It must be shocking to him to see such an ugly mark of my past.

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