Chapter 36 - Winners losers

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Chapter 36 - Winners losers

~Kamila's POV~

"Channie, you awake?" I whispered.

I've already been awake for 30 minutes but didn't want to move, afraid that I'd wake him up.

"Mhm, just five more minutes?"

"You're super cute when you're sleepy" I chuckled.

I turned to face him and took some stray hairs out of his eyes, caressing his face.

I'm so lucky to have you, Chan. I thought, smiling ear to ear, even though he couldn't see me.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked me.

"Yea, I had a really nice dream."

"You did? Me too. I dreamt we were living in a cute house, had one dog and a cat and we took care of Mina together, stressing out about her grades and her final high school exams. We should buy a house some day and live like that." His eyes were still closed, a smile started forming on his lips.

"Haven't we been dating for like 2 days?" I giggled, although I really liked how his dream sounded. It would truly be the perfect life.

"Mhm, but I've liked you way longer than that and I'm sure about us already."

"When did you start liking me?" I hugged him and placed my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.

"When I've seen that we live by the same principles. You are always so selfless, helping everyone around you, working a lot. Although you should take it easier sometimes. I really like your personality."

"We really are similar, aren't we, Mr. Workaholic?" I laughed. "I've also liked you for a long time. Ever since you took care of me, taking me home after Kingdom."

"Damn, are you telling me we could've spent so many months together?" he put his arms around me and kept me in a close hug.

"We spent them anyway, just not kissing each other." I laughed. "By the way Chan, I have a burning question I gotta ask."

"Let's hear it."

"I keep finding coins in my-"

"It wasn't me."

"You didn't even let me fini-"

"Wasn't me. Hey, you hungry? Let's get breakfast!"

He threw me off him and got up, hurrying to the door.

So cute. I smiled again.


"Mom, smells great!" Lucas said excitedly.

"It's just bacon and eggs dude, don't you eat that like... everyday?" said Hannah unfazed.

"Someone woke up late!" Chan's mom exclaimed, seeing us enter the kitchen. "Would you like to eat anything?"

I nodded rapidly, feeling as excited as Lucas, if not more. It's been such a long time since I've spent the morning with other people, with a happy family.

"Kami, dear, you can sit there." She pointed to the seat next to Hannah.

"So, future sis-in-law, what are your hobbies?"

"Hmmmm, I've worked so much lately that besides making clothes I don't even know anymore." I chuckled.

"Two workaholics, how did you even find each other through all the work?" she rolled her eyes, mocking me and Chan.

"What about you?"

"I like singing and dancing, vlogging, just doing my own thing I guess."

"Nice. Chan, how come you're not as cool as your sister?" I joked.

"Mean." Laughed Chan, while munching on some toast. "Since this is your last day in Korea, what should we do?"

"Let's play some Monopoly maybe? idk"

"I haven't played that in ages." I said.

"That's it, then!"


"Rent's due!" laughed Chan, seeing me land on one of his properties again.

"Fucking shit" I mumbled, not loud enough to be heard, since Lucas was also at the table. "How much do I owe you, huh? 500$?"

"More like 1200. Look, I have two hotels there!"

"Do you want me to go bankrupt?! Here, take it!" I slapped the money on the table, in front of Chan, making him laugh his ass off.

"Monopoly, breaking up families since the 1930's" laughed Hannah

Observing the money in my hand, I pouted. 730$ left.

"Noona, why are you so bad with money?" asked Lucas innocently, making all of us burst out laughing again.

"It's okay Kami, I'm rich so you don't have to worry." Chan winked, flashing me all his monopoly money, earning a playful slap on his shoulder from me and a chuckle from Hannah.


"It's 3000$." Smirked Chan.

"Are you kidding me? You bought it for like 800$." Bickered Hannah.

"And I'm selling it for 3000$."

"That's inflation, Hannah, take notes!" I chuckled.

"Oh my, kids, are you still playing? Lunch is ready!" said Chan's mom, who was surprised to still find us at the table almost 4 hours later.

"We can't come now, mom, it's life and death!" answered Hannah, who was negotiating a property with Chris, like her life truly depended on it.

"I don't wanna play anymoreeee." Groaned Lucas, who got up and ran to the kitchen.

"Well, I agree that we can count money and determine the winner that way. Otherwise we'll stay here for another 4 hours." I said.

"Kay, I have like 10.300$." said Hannah.

"No way! Me too!" laughed Chris.

"Like the exact same number?"

"Yea, what are the odds?!"

"How should we find out who wins, then?"

Both turned their heads to me.

10$. It's all I have left.

"Kami..." started Chris.

"What, do you really want me to give one of you money?"

Both nodded.

"You'll be my future sister-in-law, don't make me hate you." Said Hannah, looking at the money in my hands.

"And I'll be your future husband, we have to merge finances when we're married, right?"

"So who gets it?!" asked Hannah impatiently.

"C'mon Kami, let's be a team baby." Chan pleaded with me.

"Ew, you're gross." Said Hannah with a disgusted face, looking at Chris.

"You know what? Roll the dice, bitches." I said, lifting my middle fingers up and sticking out my tongue to mock them.

Hannah rolled a 5, and when it was Chris' turn, he rolled a 3.

"HA! TAKE THAT!" exclaimed Hannah happily, throwing all her money on the board.

"Fuck." Chan muttered.

„FEELS GREAT TO BE A WINNER! LET'S GO EAT NOW, LOSERS!" she got up and flipped her hair sassily.

"~Lover with a dollar sign is a loser~" I singed, earning a small laugh from Chan.

I could truly get used to a happy life like this.


(A/N) So, this is a bit of a filler chapter just cause I haven't updated in some time.

Plus, you need some fluff now to prepare for what comes ;)

Ily babes <3

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