Chapter 37 - New Year's Eve

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Chapter 37 - New Year's Eve

~Time skip: JYPE New Year's Eve Party~

"How do I look, Kam?" Felix did a tiny pirouette and seemed excited of his outfit.

"Perfect for the photoshoot today!" I smiled.

"I really like these clothes, they're comfortable."

"Comfort above ALL, Lix."

That made him chuckle.

"Sooo, we'll see you at the after party, right? I heard Jeongin wants to show you some moveeees."

"Isn't this a party with sponsors and stuff?" I questioned Felix.

"Yea, it is. That's why you should come too. Make some connections." A voice said behind me, while two strong arms hugged me from behind.

"Chris, hello." I smiled. "Ready to get dressed?" I asked as I intertwined our fingers.

"I'm ready to get undressed!" He replied smugly, and although I couldn't see him, I was sure he winked.

"I'm so glad you're a thing now." Lixie said with a cute smile that only complimented his features.

"Wait, who's a thing??" Han came and seeing me and Chan, he made a shocked face. "Wait wait wait. WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!"

"What's all this ruckus about?" Hyunjin came to us as well, attracted by the possible drama.


"I was about to! But we haven't seen each other in a week!" Chris defended himself against the kids' piercing stares.

"You look cute together." Han said and pinched my cheek.

"So when did you two start liking each other?"

"Han, were you that dense not to notice??" Lix laughed.

"Guys, I know you're curious and all, but your photoshoot starts in less than 20 minutes and half of y'all aren't even dressed yet. You included." I turned and looked at Chris, having a serious look. "Go!"

"'Kay mom!" they said in a choir, making me and Chris laugh.

"Guess you're their mom now." Chris observed.

"Since you're their dad... It's only logical, daddy." I whispered and then left behind a very surprised and possibly aroused Chris.


For the after party – or rather said, the actual party, since the "party" the boys had was merely a photoshoot for stays – I decided to wear a long, black dress that complimented Chan's look.

Even though we still hadn't told JYP about us dating and would probably spend no time together this evening, I still wanted us to look nice as a "pair" of some sort. Maybe we could even take a picture together.

Not taking any chances, I had to look my best tonight, even though I obviously can't shine as bright as him – or the other boys. Still, I had to match him at least a bit in our possible-might happen-picture.


The party was lively, but it was by all means a "rich people party". It's to be expected though, since tonight all JYPE sponsors were invited to celebrate New Years' Eve.

"Oh my, I know you!" a lady came up to me. "How are you doing dear? Since you've been invited here, you must've made quite the impression!"

"Mrs. Choi?" I smiled seeing the lady in front of me. This time, her make-up was no longer smeared like the first time I met her in the bathroom what feels to be almost a lifetime ago. "It's good to see you're in good health. I never got the chance to properly thank you for getting me a job as a make-up artist. You've changed my life."

"You're such a polite young lady!" she smiled. "Are you still working as a make-up artist?"

"No, I've actually became the main stylist of Stray Kids." I boasted a bit, feeling for the first time really proud of my achievements.

"I knew you had it in you when you saved me in the bathroom!" she laughed. "Anyway dear, enjoy yourself, I have to go meet some people."

"Thank you, have a great evening, Mrs. Choi!"


"Kami!!!" Jeongin hugged me tightly. "You look amazing tonight! I mean, you always do, but even more so all dressed up."

"Innie." I hugged him back. "You're also looking amazing, but that's to be expected, since I've dressed you."

"That's true." He chuckled. "Come, let's go to the boys. We were all wondering when you'll show up."

He leaded me to the Stray Kids who were all busy chatting up with people I didn't know. Through the crowd of people, I've noticed Chan speaking to some man eagerly.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit and he lifted his hand, gesturing me to come.

The man also turned around to see who Chan was waving at, and seeing him, I froze.

"Kam, I'm so happy you're here!" Chan's voice echoed through my head as he came and guided me to the man he was talking to.

I went with him instinctively, although my body didn't seem to want to move by itself.

"Kamila, this is..."


(A/N) sooo, who do you think it is??



I'm glad i'm part of one of the coolest fandoms out there 😎

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