Chapter 4 - If looks could kill

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Chapter 4 - If looks could kill

It's 7 AM and I'm already on my way to Bora, who'll be my new boss starting today, that's if I won't be late, of course. My 1-bedroom rented apartment is an hour away from where I've gotta be, so I left at 6:30 just to be sure.

Btw, after seeing the address on Bora's business card and googling her name, I've screamed internally. Apparently, she is the ONE OF THE LEAD FREAKING MAKE-UP ARTISTS FOR JYP. That must mean that she's working with idols. I truly haven't felt as excited in ages. This job might actually be fun for a change.


"Good morning!" I said, pretty excited.

"Morning, Miss... whatever."

"Kamilla Park"

She glowered at me. "I see you're early. Good. Let's get something straight. Before you begin with all this... excitement bullshit, I just gotta tell you: Don't get your hopes up. You know that the only reason you're here is because of Miss Choi. I don't know what you did to her or what kind of luck you had yesterday, but that's bound to end soon. You'll be staying here for a.month.tops and then go back to doing whatever the fuck you want, for all I care." Bora said coldly while handing me a one-month contract that would earn me more money than my 3 jobs combined.

I was honestly a bit hurt by her comment though. She was right, I knew I wasn't qualified to be here, but she could've been nicer about it. I'll also make sure to do my best so that I can maybe convince her to let me stay longer, especially since I'll have to quit my other 3 jobs to be at this company for 10 hours or more daily, for the next month.

After I've signed the contract, another 2 girls and one boy entered the room.

"Hello dears!" says Bora smiling ear-to-ear. After they sit down, she continued: "You are here because you are the best of the best." I saw her giving me a dirty look, but I just decided to ignore her passive-aggressiveness completely and smile at her. "For the next three weeks we will work together in perfecting full make-up looks for a very important performance. That performance will count as an "exam" for you. If you do well and create something memorable, you will receive an extended contract for an unlimited amount of time and be assigned to a specific team to work with. So, everyone, do your best!"

"Fighting!" we all say excitedly.

"First of all, thank you for choosing me to be part of your team" The boy says. "Could you please tell us who are the people we will create looks for, and what kind of performance will they have?"

"Glad to know someone's already interested!" Bora laughs. "The idols you'll be working for are Stray Kids. Everyone knows them?"

I could see everyone nod. Although Stray Kids were relatively new in the industry, with their debut only a year ago, they were already super popular. I knew of them too, but ever since the accident I didn't really have time to keep up with the idol life. However, I did hear some of their songs on the radio to and from work and all of them were bops, so there's that.

"Good! Stray Kids will perform one of their songs in a contest called Kingdom. It's a very important step in their career and we will be there to make sure to pave the way for them to win. We must make them look heavenly for the camera. That's our goal."

After saying that, Bora assigned two boys to each of us. I got Bang Chan and I.N. I've gotta say, all 8 of them are super good looking. I wonder if they look in real life as they do in these pictures we've received.


We all had to come up with some looks for the boys assigned to us after hearing the song they'll play and speaking with their manager and their main stylist (which absolutely intrigued me. I thought that that's going to be my line of work, after all...).

I've prepared a few separate looks for both Bang Chan and I.N. The most complex looks were made for Bang Chan though, since he will get some time alone in front of the camera or so I've heard. What was weird to me was that I've always thought of make-up artists as in... only doing the face – make-up artists, but that was just ignorance on my part. For this performance I've also had to make sure to create looks for their whole body, not just for their face.

After creating a few and drawing them on a paper, I've shown them to Bora. She was skeptical in my skills at first, but after a few days she's seen that I'm actually giving my all and she let me be creative. 

She looooved the looks I came up with (although she tried not to show that and regained her composure quick) and made me start practicing them on myself and on other models as quick as possible.

She told us that we wouldn't be able to do any test tries on the boys since their schedule was so full, but we should be able to recreate the make-up as quickly as possible before the contest and to practice doing it on a model at least 10 times a day. Even asleep, we had to be able to do the looks.

And that's how I started a trial and error.

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