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"Dude, you did not just do that right in front of her brother," Jeff said.

"What, it's not like she thinks it's a date or anything," Eddie responded picking at his food.

"Dani is amazing. She's like another big sister to me," Mike added.

"Just please, don't date my sister. That's so weird." Dustin crumpled his paper lunch bag. "Eddie, is that understood?"

"Got it, Henderson. I will not date your sister. Not that she would even go out with me. We are freaks, remember? Murder cultists, I guess."

"Would their kids have brown or black curly hair?"Garrets asked. Everyone laughed except Eddie. He sat there and sent daggers with his eyes.

"Okay, guys, really funny. But that is my sister you are joking about," Dustin stated as the laughter stopped.

"Eddie, what happened to society saying we are cultists?" Mike asked.

"Right, society." Eddie got extremely quiet.

"I guess he forgot that Lucas can't play tonight..." Dustin quietly told Mike.

"You know what?" Eddie stood up from his chair and walked behind Dustin and Mike. "You boys are the future of Hellfire, I knew it the moment I saw you. Sat at that table right over there, looking like two little lost sheep. You were wearing a Weird Al t-shirt, which I thought was brave." He looked at Dustin, then to MIke. "Mike, you were wearing whatever shit your mommy got you from the Goddamn GAP."

The table began to laugh. Eddie forcefully grabbed Mike and Dustin by their shirts and began walking with them.

"We showed you that school didn't have to be the worst years of your lives, right?"

"No." They responded.

"I'm here to tell you there are other lost sheepies put there. They need help, they need you. And all you guys got to do is get your Bo Peeps on and go and find one." Eddie shoved them away and walked back to the table.

"Way to get rid of them," Garret stated.

"They can't postpone Hellfire like that, they knew this coming into the club that they can't postpone the campaign." Eddie sat back down. The rest of the guys looked at it. "What?"

Eddie threw his hands in the air defenseless and gave a smile.

"You haven't stopped smiling since you and Henderson's sister spoke," Garret explained.

"You were like a completely different version of yourself," Jeff added.

"Guys, it was just a friendly conversation. I don't know what you are talking about." Eddie looked down at the table trying to stop smiling, but he couldn't. In fact, this had been the first time in a while that he had something that genuinely excited him other than Hellfire. The bell rang, cutting the conversation short. "I'll see you all at Hellfire tonight, and let's hope those two don't bring a complete idiot."

The guys all went their separate ways and Eddie couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Dani. How could someone be so unconditionally kind to someone like me? He thought to himself. The rest of the school day felt like an eternity for both Eddie and Dani, as they both had something to look forward to.


"Hey, Nanc, are you able to take Dustin home? I have this meeting with... Umm... Mr. Andrews. So I can't take him and I don't want him waiting around." I stood at my locker which was right next to Nancy's.

"Oh yea, sure. I will just take him to my house since they have Hellfire tonight." She closed her locker and I closed mine.

"I owe you, Nancy, big time."

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