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I startled awake and looked down to see Max asleep on my shoulder. I could hear the boys and Robin playing D&D in the other room and I gently got up, covering Max with a blanket. I walked into the dining room and sat next to Dustin. 

"Can I see that?" I asked Eddie and he handed me the character book he had. 

"What is it?" Dustin asked as I flipped through the pages. 

"I had a dream, I just need to find..." I flipped through the pages before finding the page I was looking for. 

"Lolth?" Eddie asked, standing behind me looking over my shoulder. 

"The Spider Queen?" Lucas asked as he looked at the picture on the page. 

"Dani, what did you see in your dream?" Dustin asked. 

"It was Chrissy, she was... trapped. I couldn't see who trapped her, but she was covered in spiderwebs, there were spiders crawling all over her and around her." I looked up at Robin who looked over to Steve. I got up and ran upstairs to change my clothes. 

"Dani, what are you doing?" Steve followed after me.  

"I need to go to that party. I need to talk to Jason," I said as I opened my closet grabbing a short black dress, fishnets, my heeled boots and a leather jacket. I walked towards the door and Steve stopped me. 

"D, you aren't thinking clearly."

"Steve, I have to go talk to Jason. I don't care what history he and I have, I need to find out more about what happened between him and Chrissy." I pushed through Steve and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I heard Steve go downstairs as I got ready. I heard a light knock on the door, I opened it slightly to see Dustin.

"Yes?" I asked. 

"Dani, please, talk to me." 

"Dustin, something isn't right." I walked out of the bathroom and pulled Dustin into my room. 

"Why do you have bruises on your chest?" Dustin asked as I quickly released my dress was low cut. 

"Ummmm," I paused trying to think of an excuse. "They were bug bits, and now they are bruises." 

"That's... weird." Dustin sat on my bed as I sat at my vanity, where I began to cover my hickeys. "Robin told us." 

I turned back to look at Dustin. 

"Don't be mad at her, once Steve saw she knew something, he made her tell us." 

I shook my head as anger and fear began bubbling inside of me. 

"And what do you think? I'm crazy? I need to be locked away because I'm seeing my dead boyfriend?" 

"Dani, you know I would never think those things about you. I love you." 

"Well, mom and dad certainly did." 

"They don't understand what you went through in the lab. If they knew, they never would have done what they did."

"I'm pretty sure they would." I began lacing up my boots. 

"Why do you think talking to Jason will help you find Chrissy?" 

"I don't know, he was the last person to see her, Dustin. He has to know something. You and I both know how shady he can get." I stood up walking to the door. "Dustin, please, just let me do this." 

I looked at Dustin and he was about to say something. 

"Let me do this by myself." He shook his head in disappointment. "No Steve, no Robin, no Eddie, ok? I can do this myself." 

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚎 ||𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now