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"Have you guys seen Dani?" Eddie asked as he walked into the school gym. Steve and Jonathon hung up lights across the ceiling as Nancy and Chrissy worked on a balloon arch. 

"She's not with you guys?" Chrissy asked. 

"No, I thought she came in here with you guys. That was her plan but I thought maybe she would stay with Will and El." Eddie began to show his worry. "What about Roman? Maybe they have seen each other." 

"I haven't seen him either since the parking lot," Steve stated as he climbed down from the ladder he was on. 

"Do you think they ran some errands?" Nancy asked. 

"Vickie, did you send Dani and Roman on a supply run?" Chrissy asked as she walked over to the other table. Vickie shook her head no. 

"Is her car here?" Robin asked. As soon as she said that, everyone moved to the window overlooking the parking lot. Her car was there. Roman's motorcycle was too. 

"Eddie, why don't you go finish up your campaign and we will look for her," Chrissy suggested. 

"I did. The kids lost." 

Everyone was quiet for a minute. 

"What was your campaign about?" Jonathon asked cautiously. Nancy and Steve looked back at him worry struck. 

"Shit, not again?" Eddie went white. He couldn't lose Dani again. Not since last time. She meant far more than all of this to him. More than Hellfire. More than his guitar. She was the love of his life and if he lost her for good this time, he couldn't forgive himself. 

"Hey, Vickie, we are going to head out," Nancy stated as she began to quickly walk out of the gym. Everyone followed behind. "Eddie, you gotta tell us. What was your campaign?" 

"Well, the Sorceress was captured by Strahd von Zarovich." 

Everyone looked at him with blank faces. 

"He's a powerful vampire. He took her and forced her to-" Eddie trailed off. 

"Forced her to what Eddie?" 

"To marry him. His mind controlled her." 

Everyone began to run to the theater room where Eddie held Hellfire Club. Gareth, Simon, and Jeff had left already. 

"Where's Dani?" Dustin asked. He looked at the older teens faces and he knew something wasn't right. "Again? You've got to be shitting me." 

"Again? What again?" El asked. Nancy and Dustin filled Will, Jonathon, and El in on the events of the past few months. 

"I can try and find her," Elevan said quietly. Will shook his head. 

"It's too dangerous." 

"What are we going to do then? Just hope that she shows up again safe and sound and does not try to end the world?" Max asked. 

"We have to at least try something," Chrissy said. "This is the girl with the powers?" 

"She lost them last summer when we thought Dani did too." 

"I have an idea," Jonathon said. Everyone looked at him. "I wasn't supposed to tell any of you this but a month or two ago, I guess around the same time all of that was happening Dr. Owens came to find Mom and told her Hopper was alive. He said Dani found him when she was channeling her powers. That was really why we came here, Mom was going to get him tonight and-"

"You think he can help?" Mike asked. 

"It's better than nothing at all. Dr. Owens is with my mom right now, he might know how to help." 

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