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"Spin the bottle? Really Chrissy?" Steve asked as we all sat in a circle. Eddie was right next to me as we held hands. 

"It's either this or truth or dare," She said giggling. She was totally drunk and I found it hilarious. Everyone looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Do I have to pick?" I asked and everyone shook their heads yes. "Fine, spin the bottle." Chrissy set the bottle in the middle of everyone and spun it first. It landed on Steve and they were both very happy about that. 

"You don't care about this do you?" Eddie asked leaning into my ear. 

"No, do you?" I asked realizing Chrissy, Robin, Nancy, and I were the only girls. 

"I mean, I have you all to myself later, so I'm not that worried." He smirked at me and I laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Is that a promise?" I asked, lifting my eyes to look at him. 

"Absolutely, sweetheart." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and I hadn't realized they continued the game and Garret and Patrick just kissed. 

"Wait, do that again," I said leaning forward and they awkwardly laughed. 

"No way," Garret said and I noticed how awkward Patrick looked. I rolled my eyes then we continued playing. Simon spun Nancy, Jeff spun Steve, Patrick spun Chrissy, and it was my turn. I spun the bottle and held my breath as I waited for it to stop. It stopped and I looked up to see it landed on Robin. Steve looked at Robin who was blushing and I crawled over to her. 

"Are you sure, Dani?" She asked. 

"It's just a game." I smiled before grabbing her face with both my hands. An awkward laugh came from her before I could even kiss her. 

"I'm sorry, hold on." She continued laughing for a moment. I grabbed her face and pulled her into a kiss, which shocked her. I didn't give her a minute to think as she grabbed my face back. I heard everyone cheering us on, then we both pulled away from each other. "Wow, Eddie, I see why you like her." 

I crawled back over to Eddie whose face was in shock. I handed him the bottle and he just stared at me, with his mouth wide. 

"Eddie, go." I pressed the bottle to his chest and he spun it. Of course, it landed on Robin also. 

"Can I just kiss Dani again?" Robin asked. "Can we bend the rules?" Everyone looked at Eddie and he nodded. 

"Or he could just kiss Steve," I said, laughing. Eddie and Steve made the same face at me. "All those in favor of Robin and me kissing again?" Steve, Eddie, Garret, Nancy, Simon, and Robin all rose their hands. "In favor of Steve and Eddie?" Patrick, Jeff, Chrissy, and I rose our hands. 

"Looks like it's you and Robin," Eddie said smiling at me. 

"Fine, but my next turn, it's you and Steve." I crawled over to Robin who was smiling. I grabbed her face and kissed her, but this time we kissed much longer than last time. I felt hands around my waist and I was pulled away from Robin. 

"Alright, that was enough." Eddie sat me on his lap and I laughed turning to him. 

"Bathroom?" I asked feeling what felt like keys in his pocket. His eyes were wide and I smiled. "Or you can just wait until later." I turned back to the game as Chrissy spun Nancy. My karma finally came as Steve spun Eddie. I quickly got off of Eddie's lap and Steve crawled over to him. They did a quick peck but I wasn't satisfied. "That wasn't long enough." They both looked at me, clearly mad. 

"Yea, at least seven seconds," Chrissy agreed with me. They both rolled their eyes before Steve grabbed Eddie's face. Chrissy and I counted as they kissed and I couldn't stop laughing. 

"Awe, babe, that was adorable," I told Eddie as he and Steve both wiped off their faces. 

"Shut it," Eddie said, pulling his knees to his chest. Chrissy and I looked at each other and laughed. 

"They totally liked it," She said laughing. I was rolling around on the ground laughing, which made everyone else laugh. 

"Fine, you and Dani kiss then," Steve said defensively. 

"Easy, Dani was my first kiss." I leaned up and looked at Chrissy, as everyone was shocked. "What, best friends kiss all the time." Eddie looked at me and I covered my face. 

"Is that true? No wonder we kiss so much," He said, making me smile. I leaned over to Chrissy and kissed her, counting to seven in my head. "Alright, this is getting too out of hand. We should go." 

"Why? Everyone is having so much fun, right?" Chrissy asked. I looked around and I could tell everyone was turned on one way or another. 

"Maybe we should call it a night, Chrissy." She looked over at me and frowned. I got up and began cleaning up as everyone talked amongst themselves. Chrissy and Steve were dancing and I couldn't get over how much of a lightweight she was. I went to grab something when I instantly felt lightheaded. My headache from the other day came back, but this time, I was seeing things. It was Billy trapped in the Upside Down. 

"Dani, you have to save me. I have been looking for you everywhere." Billy's eyes looked so worried and I felt my heart drop in my chest. "The reason you can't love him is because of the fact that I am still alive, D. You know it deep down." 

"Hey, Dani." I looked up to see Eddie holding my hand. "Are you ready to go?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled before kissing him. 

"I am." Eddie grabbed my hand and we went to say our goodbyes. Chrissy pulled me into a big hug as we got ready to leave. 

"I hope you had a good time, D. Now go do bad things to your lover." I laughed as she whispered the last bit to me. 

"Thank you for everything, Chrissy. I loved it." She kissed me on the cheek as I leaned back from her. "Now, quite telling people that we kiss." Both of us began laughing as Steve and Eddie were talking. I grabbed Eddie's hand and looked down at me. 

"I'm ready." Eddie and I waved our final goodbye before we walked to his van. He opened my door for me and I got in. He quickly kissed me before jogging over to his side. He drove us to my place and we quietly walked in the front door. Dad and Dustin were both asleep in the living room as the tv played in the background. Eddie and I tiptoed upstairs and quietly made it to my room. I closed the door behind us and turned to Eddie smiling at me. I walked over to him and sat on his lap, with my legs on either side of him. 

"You know, it's pretty hot when you kiss other people," He said brushing my hair out of my face. 

"You mean kissing girls?" 

"That too." I giggled at his answer and began kissing his neck. "Dani, I'm really happy you said yes to being mine. It's all I've wanted for so long." I looked up at him and gave him a kiss on the lips. 

"I'm happy too, Eddie." 

"But you don't love him," The voice in my head reminded me. 

"What's the matter?" Eddie asked and I must have zoned out. 

"I just got really tired, can we go to bed?" I asked getting off of his lap. I walked into my closet and grabbed a hoodie and shorts to sleep in. Eddie pulled his shirt off and took off his jeans before crawling under the covers. He turned off the light on his side of the bed and waited for me to join him. "I'm sorry, Eddie. I just got tired out of nowhere. I really wanted to." 

"It's ok, sweetheart. We have all the time in the world." I climbed in next to him and he covered me with the blanket. He pulled me against his chest and I began to fall asleep as he played with my hair. Throughout the night, I had the strangest dreams of Billy in the Upside Down. I watched him die. We had a funeral. How could he still be alive? And why was I seeing these visions? 

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