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"And this is my room." Eddie pulled me into his room which had posters on every wall and a guitar hanging in the center of the middle wall. 

"Wow, Eddie, your room is incredible." 

"Sorry about the mess, the cleaning lady had a day off." 

"Don't worry about it, Eddie." I walked over to his guitar. "Can you play me something?" 

"Oh, um... Sure." He grabbed it off his wall. "What do you want to hear?" 

"Suprise me!" 

"Uh, ok." He looked nervous for a minute. "Here, you can sit on my bed." 

I sat down and he put the strap around his neck. He started playing the beginning cords for Motley Crue's Shout at the Devil. I covered my mouth as I sat there with my mouth open in surprise. 

"Eddie, you are amazing." 

He smiled and his cheeks turned a little red. He continued playing the song and I began singing along. He got lost in the song and I couldn't help but smile at his happy face. Once he finished playing I gave him a standing ovasion. 

"Eddie..." I paused as he put his guitar back. "You are so hot." 

"You think so?" He asked as he walked back towards his casset player. 

"After that Eddie, yea I really think so." 

"So what they said earlier in the woods, that I'm not your type was wrong?" 

"They were completely wrong." I put my arms around Eddies neck and he put his around my waist. We began swaying together dancing to the quiet sound of Benny and the Jets in the background. "Elton John?" 

"Oh yea, I thought you would like it." He smiled as I ran my hand through his hair. 

"I want to hear what you like Eddie." He stepped back and looked at me in surprise. 

"Nobody ever wants to hear my music." My hand moved down his shoulder to his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 

"I do." He pointed to the bed and I sat down as he grabbed a box off of his dresser and unplugged his casset player from the speakers. He dumped the box out onto the bed and crawled across the bed. 

"Come here." I scooted over to him and got situated in between his legs, resting the back of my head on his chest. He grabbed a casset and put it into the player. "This is Dio, they are one of my favorite bands. This album, Holy Diver, was like a spiritual experience for me." He put the headphones onto my head and I listened to it, drumming my hand on his leg. We sat there as I listened to his music and he just watched me, smiling. 

"Tell me Princess, what do you think?" He asked. 

"I think it's incredible, Eddie. I just love everything about it, it's intense. Nothing like Madonna and Bowie." I turned my head back to look at him smiling at me. "What?" 

"Nobody has ever understood this music like you do." 

"Well, nobody is like me." I smiled at him. 

"That is true. You are so beautiful, Dani." 

"Do you have Alice Cooper?" I asked leaning forward looking through the casset tapes. 

"Yea, which album?" He asked getting up opening his closet. On his closet floor was another box of tapes. I got up and sat next to him on the floor. 

"Love It To Death." He looked over at me and smiled. 

"Damn, you are everything." He pulled out the casset and I grabbed it from him and ran back to the bed. "Excited are we?" 

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚎 ||𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now