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I woke up by the heavy rain that started to fall. I ran down the hill to my car, getting in and grabbing the blanket I had in the back seat. I noticed Dustin's walkie on my passenger seat and turned it on, I heard arguing on the other end.

"Maybe she hasn't seen the walkie yet." 

"Yea right, stupid. Of course she would have seen the walkie." 

"It's two in the morning, shouldn't we just call the cops. We haven't heard from her yet." 

"Jesus Christ, just call the walkie again." Eddie's voice sounded worried and agitated. 

"Dani, hey Dani, do you copy?" Dustin asked. 

"I copy," I quietly said. An uproar of chatter started on the other end. 

"Are you ok?" 

"Yea, I'll be home soon." I began driving and left the walkie on in case they needed me. 

"I should have killed Jason," Billy was sitting next to me. 

"Billy, go away." 

"You know it's not really me. She's messing with your head." 

"Who Billy?" 

"You know who." I turned to look over at Billy and he was gone. 

"God damn upside down." I pulled into the driveway and walked inside. Dustin ran up to me and gave me a hug. 

"What happened to your face?" Max asked. I looked over at Steve, who looked pissed. 

"Nothing." I walked upstairs without talking to anyone else. I walked into the bathroom and saw my cheek was swollen and a horrible shade of purple. I washed my face then walked to my bedroom. I put on shorts and sweatshirt, taking a small glimpse of the hickeys on my chest and neck. "And I had to go and ruin it all." I grabbed my walkman and put on my headphones before I went back downstairs to get an ice pack for my cheek. I looked into the living room to see everyone talking, but Eddie was sitting staring down at his hands. The sound of Journey from my walkman kept me from engaging with them. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack then I went back upstairs. 

I sat next to my bed on the floor and put the ice bag on my cheek, leaning my head back onto my bed. I reached into my night stand and grabbed Chrissy's journal and began reading one of the last entries. I looked up from reading and saw Eddie grabbing his bag out of my room. I took my headphones off. 

"Hey," I smiled. 

"Hi." Eddie turned away from me toward the door. 

"Eddie," He turned his head toward me. I stood up and grabbed his hand, making him sit on the bed. "Stay right here." 

I walked out to the hallway and grabbed our first aid kit. I walked back into the room and knelt down next to Eddie. I looked at his bruised knuckles and began taking off his rings. 

"You don't have to do this Dani." Eddie couldn't look at me. 

"I want to." I began cleaning the cuts on his hands. I looked up to see his face, but he had it turned towards the door. I got up and sat next to him on my bed and turned his head so I could clean the cuts on his face, he still wouldn't look at me. As I cleaned the cut under his eye he winced in pain, pulling away from me. "I'm sorry, Eddie." 

"I did this to myself." Eddie looked at my cheek as I began cleaning off his rings. "It's my fault you're hurt." 

 "This is not your fault, Eddie. I could have easily started something with Jason." 

I put my ice pack on Eddies hand. 

"You need that," Eddie finally looked over at me and I smiled. 

"Eddie, just let me take care of you." I got up and threw away the dirty wipes. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" 

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚎 ||𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now