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"Why didn't you say hi last night?" Dustin asked as we drove to school. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Garret told us he ran into at the show last night." 

"Oh, yea I stopped by, but I was tired so I just wanted to go home." I pulled into the parking lot. 

"Dani, is everything ok?" I looked over at Dustin who looked dead serious. 

"I'm ok, Dustin. I promise, I have just been overwhelmed with school and thinking about graduation." I pulled into a parking spot. "You have no reason to worry." 

"Do you want to take me to Hellfire tonight? Mom has plans and dad probably works and Steve is busy with Chrissy all the time now." I laughed.

"Sure, I can drop you off, but I am not staying." 

"But why? There will be food and Eddie." 

"Dustin, I told you Eddie and I aren't dating."

"Fine, you don't have to stay." Dustin started out of the car and then turned to look at me. "It's at Garrets tonight, and Lucas and Mike will probably want a ride too." He grabbed his bag before shutting the door and walking over to Lucas and Mike at the front of the school. I rolled a joint before getting out of my car to light it. 

"Dani, hey," I turned around to see Jason standing behind me.

"What do you want?" I asked taking a drag. 

"Well, hopefully, a date with you," He gave a blood-curdling smile. "You know, like the old days." 

"I'll pass." I turned, leaning into the car to grab my bag out of the back seat. I felt his hands wrap around my waist as he began grinding against me. I turned around and pushed him off of me. 

"What the hell, Dani. I thought this is what you liked." I felt tears pulling in my eyes and I slammed my car door shut. I began quickly walking away from him. "You're still mine, Dani. Remember that!" Jason yelled. I wasn't looking where I was going as I ran into someone. 

"Hey, hey, hey," He stopped me, "Are you ok?" I looked up to Eddie standing in front of me. I wiped my tears away and shook my head. 

"I'm fine, Eddie. Really, I am." He looked behind me and noticed Jason and a few other basketball players around my car. His jaw clenched. 

"Did they-" I put my hand on his chest, stopping him from walking over to them. 

"Eddie, just leave it. I have to go to class." I began walking away from him but he walked with me. 

"I'll come with you." We walked in silence as I squeezed my fingers into my fist, digging into my skin. "Would you want to help me with homework after school?" Eddie asked quietly. I stopped and turned to him. 

"Eddie, I-" 

"Not like a date or anything. Just two friends doing homework. You can come to my place or we can go to the library." He looked down at my hands and slowly grabbed one, opening it gently. "Dani, your hand." I looked down to see I had cut myself with my nails. I opened the other to see the same. 

"I'm fine, Eddie." I put them away from him and continued walking down the hallway. 

"Let me bandage them at least," He called after me. I turned to him as he was giving puppy dog eyes and had a hand reaching for me. I rolled my eyes before walking back to him. 

"Fine." We walked back out of the school and to his van. He reached under the driver's seat and grabbed out a box as I sat on the ledge of the van. He crouched down next to me and began to wrap my hands. 

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