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The next morning, I pulled into the school parking lot early to avoid everyone. I noticed Eddie's van next to Chrissy's car, so I parked on the other side of the parking lot. I got out of my car and saw Eddie talking to Chrissy and the others through the parking lot.  

"Danielle," Jordan greeted as he sat in his van. "Come sit, pound some with me." I sat next to him in the doorway of his van as he handed me his joint. I sat there quietly as a took a drag. 

"What's the matter with you?" He asked as I handed it back to him. 

"Nothing," I said as I moved his hand from my leg. 

"You just aren't the old you. You used to be the biggest flirt there was. Always got Billy his weed at a knocked down price." I stood up and began towards the school. 

"Thanks for the drag," I waved behind me, noticing Eddie jogging over to me. I began walking faster trying to avoid him. 

"Dani, hey! Dani, please talk to me!" He called from behind me. Tears blurred my vision and I began running down the hill behind the field. I made my way to the picnic table, hoping he hadn't followed me. I sat on the table and wiped away my tears with my sleeve. I looked up to see him walking down the hill. 

"Go away, Eddie. Please." I hid my face with my hands. 

"Can we talk about last ni-" 

"No, Eddie. I meant what I said. I don't deserve someone like you, you deserve someone so much better. You deserve someone who isn't seen as a slut. Who isn't seen as an object they can just take and use however they please. I was stupid thinking I could have a happy ending. But that's just like me. The stupid, easy, slut of Hawkins." I stood up, seeing he was standing in front of me. 

"How could you say that about yourself?" I began walking up the hill as he grabbed my hand. 

"Don't fucking touch me." I pulled my hand out of his and continued up the hill. I walked back through the parking lot into the school. 

"Dani, are you ok?" I heard Max call behind me. I stopped and turned to see her standing with Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. 

"I'm fine." I turned around and walked to class. A few classes had passed before English. Once in the classroom, I was stopped by Mr. Andrews. 

"Dani, I heard your paper was fantastic. They want to print it front page of the school paper, what do you think about that?" I looked up at him as I felt tears in my eyes. 

"Yea, whatever." I walked to my seat and sat and opened my book that needed to be finished. The bell rang at the end of class and I quickly put my things away. I dreaded walking to lunch. Once in the cafeteria, I noticed Nancy and Fred handing out the school paper.

"Dani," I heard a voice behind me start. I turned to see Patrick standing behind me. "Do you want to sit with us?" I looked over at his usual table and saw Jason staring at me, making me feel nauseous. 

"No, it's fine. I was just passing through." I turned around and began walking through the cafeteria, passing the Hellfire table. 

"Hey, Dani," I heard Chrissy say. I stopped and turned, seeing most of them reading the paper. Eddie was staring at me as I felt the writhing in my chest. 

"I have to go," I blurted out before turning around and walking out of the cafeteria. I heard footsteps behind me and quickly turned. 

"Dani, what's going on?" It was Chrissy. 

"I'm just really busy," I gave a fake smile. 

"Where did you go last night? Eddie has been so worried about you. He called me last night looking for you and this morning he-"

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