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"Dad just called, here talk to him."

"Dani, are you at home? I don't believe Dustin."

"Yea dad, I'm here," I said over the walkie. "We are actually about to watch Nightmare on Elm again, shouldn't you be here?"

"I called to say I won't be home for a few days as we work this case, it's too dangerous for you guys to have me at home and we need to find who is doing this."

"Yea, dad, I understand. I'll stay with Dustin to make sure we are both safe."

"What did I do to deserve you as a daughter."

"I don't know dad, but I need to go. You go save the day." I heard the line hang up.

"That was a close one, he was grilling me over where you are," Dustin said.

"Well, I will be home in ten minutes." I turned off the walkie and began driving home. I saw Eddie's van in the driveway and pulled in next to in. I walked inside to Dustin, Lucas and Eddie trying to convince Max to play D&D with them. 

"Why won't you play, it's not a stupid game, Max," Dustin said. 

"We can go easy on you too until you get the hang of it," Lucas added. Eddie saw me walk in and I went towards the kitchen. 

"You two, convince her. Get her character picked out and I'll be right back." Eddie got up from the table in the dining room and into the kitchen. "Did you find anything?" 

"I don't know, does this mean anything to you?" I asked as I pulled the bag out of my pocket. 

"RR, shit." 

"Shit what, Eddie?" 

"RR stands for Reefer Rick, he's this drug dealer, who is not a great person Dani. Where'd did you get this?" 

"I found it in Chrissy's bedroom. Along with a white powder." 

"Special K." 

"What?" I asked completely shocked. "There is no way Chrissy would be using that. Where is this guy?"

"He's been in prison for six months. Unless she had been stockpiling, I don't know where she would have been getting that." 

I looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"It wasn't me, Dani, I swear." I looked down at the bag, then over into the dining room at the kids. "Dani, please believe me. I never sold her anything. I was supposed to yesterday, then I met you and-" 

"I believe you, Eddie." I cut him off. I grabbed his hand which was leaning against the counter. I inched closer to him as I cupped his cheek, and he leaned into my touch. "I am so sorry about earlier, Eddie. It's just, that I am worried. Worried about Dustin. Worried about what I brought you into. Worried about losing another person."

"You won't lose me," He said looking into my eyes. My other hand now moved down his arm to his other hand

"You can't guarantee that, I can't even guarantee that. If I lose another person, Eddie, I don't think I can survive that." 

Eddie pulled me in by the arms into a hug. We stood there hugging for a minute before I pulled away and walked into the dining room. 

"Hey guys," I sat at the table with them. "So, what's going on?" 

"We are trying to convince Max to play D&D with us, but she keeps saying it's a waste of time," Dustin responded. 

"Why don't you guys watch a movie instead?" I suggested. 

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