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"Eddie, I am not going to let your life get ruined because of me. I have to go back. To save you." I turned back towards the door and Eddie grabbed my hand. 

"Dani," I looked into his eyes as tears formed in mine. "Please, just come back with me. We can find a way to end this together." I grabbed Eddie's face and rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs. 

"Tell Dustin I love him, ok?" Our foreheads pressed together. "I will make a deal with her, to send Chrissy with you if she takes me."

"We will find a way to save you Dani, we have to." Eddie looked into my eyes as a tear fell. I pressed my lips to his cheek before turning from him. Maybe she was right, maybe I do fall too quickly.

"Don't change, Eddie. Take care of him for me." I walked through the doorway and looked behind as he tried to follow, but the spiders covered the doorway with webs. I pushed the tears away as I heard Eddie yelling my name, beginning back down the hallway. I made it back into the room with the giant alter, seeing her sit upon it. 

"I see you made your decision. Love is the worst, isn't it?" She began towards me. "Sometimes it causes greater pain than it does happiness, but you will learn that soon enough." 

"Let Chrissy go, so I know you won't kill her or ruin his life."

"You think you can make demands? That's brave of you." She began walking to where she kept Chrissy and I followed. She swished her hand, which removed the webs from around Chrissy. I ran to her as she looked at me. 

"How are you here?" She asked. 

"I came to help you, now you will need to help me." I gave her a faint smile before Lolth grabbed me from her. 

"Enough. Chrissy, you are to leave. Make sure you take the boy with you." Chrissy got up and started walking away. 

"Wait, let me say goodbye. She won't understand what's going on, why I disappeared." 

"Fine, but make it quick." 

I ran after Chrissy. 

"Chrissy, you need to tell everyone what happened. Tell them I saved them this time, I didn't run away, and that they don't have to worry about me anymore." Chrissy looked at me worried. 

"Tell them yourself. You always find a way out of these situations, that's your thing, Dani. If I were you, I wouldn't have needed help." 

I hugged Chrissy. 

"Eddie and Dustin should know what to do. And if I can't find my way out, can you give this to Eddie?" I took off my bracelet, handing it to Chrissy. "And tell him I... I... Appreciated him and how he made me feel." 

"I will tell him." Chrissy smiled at me before turning away, getting smaller the further she got down the hallway. Once Chrissy made it out of the castle, she spotted Eddie standing near a tree, wiping his face.

"Eddie?" Chrissy asked, walking over to him. 

"Chrissy, we need to get the others, to help Dani." Eddie paced around worried. 

"I know, and we will do that. She is strong, Eddie. Lolth can't hurt her until the full moon." 

Eddie shook his head as Chrissy began walking into the woods. They walked back to the gate in silence as Eddie worried about Dani. Once they walked through the gate, they saw the rest of the group standing around. 

"Where is Dani?" Dustin asked protectively. Eddie wiped tears away from his face. 

"She uh.." Eddie couldn't talk. 

"She saved us," Chrissy said looking down at her hands. "But we can't just let her fight on her own. She's going to need all of us." 

"How do you propose we do that?" Steve asked. Chrissy turned to Eddie and Dustin. 

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