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"Ozzy, come cuddle with me," I said as I walked through the door to Eddie's. I noticed her sitting on the back of the couch and went to scoop her up. "I missed you, little baby." I placed a kiss on her head as I carried her to the front door, waiting for Eddie to come in. 

"What are you doing?" He asked as he walked into me cradling Ozzy like a baby. 

"Cuddling with the baby." Eddie laughed at me. "What, she is just so cute." I kept kissing her head until her ears went down. 

"I'm surprised she hasn't scratched your eyes out." I looked at Eddie with a rude face. 

"What are you talking about, Ozzy loves me. Don't you Ozzy?" She began to wiggle out of my arms and I set her on the counter. "She's just hungry." Eddie laughed more as he got her food out and fed her. I walked into Eddie's room and he followed me. 

"What are you looking for?" He asked. 

"I want something else to wear," I said as I laid back on his bed. He began looking through a basket on his floor and pulled out a Metallica t-shirt. I leaned forward as he walked towards me with it. He threw it at my face and I fell back onto the bed, laughing. "Eddie, what was that for?" He sat down next to me and I grabbed the shirt from my face. Eddie looked down at my face as I reached my shirt hem, pulling it over my head. 

"How does it feel?" Eddie asked looking at my throat. 

"Not as bad as earlier," I sat up and got closer to Eddie. I looked down at his hands that were playing with his rings. "Does it look bad?" 

"The bruising went down." Eddie got up and turned on the music. 

"I'm sorry about earlier, Eddie." I walked over to him, still shirtless. 

"You shouldn't apologize, I understand if it's something you aren't comfortable with." 

I wrapped my arms around him. 

"No, it wasn't that." I looked into his brown eyes as they looked down at me. "It was my stupid nightmare. I know you could never hurt me, but I'm scared and every time I close my eyes..." 

I felt the tears start to pool in my eyes and I walked over to his bed and sat down. 

"It wasn't Billy hurting me in my dream." I looked up to Eddie who sat down next to me, as I wiped a tear away from my face. 

"I thought your nightmare was someone you love killing you?" Eddie asked in confusion. 

"It is, Eddie." I looked away from his face. "I had to save you, Eddie. I couldn't lose someone else I-"

"Dani," Eddie placed a hand on my back and I looked up at him again. 

"It was you in my nightmare, Eddie." He looked taken aback at my comment. "I know you couldn't hurt me, it's just something I needed to tell you. And I don't want you to blame yourself." 

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in reassurance. 

"I need to try something ok?" I asked. "It's something they did with me when I was in the mental hospital. I don't want to freak you out, I just need to be over my fear." Eddie looked confused. "It's called exposure therapy."

"You want me to-" Eddie began as I shook my head. 

"I sound crazy don't I?" 

"Of course, you don't, I just... I don't want to freak you out any more than you already are." 

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought maybe it would get me over this." I looked at my hands, realizing I was still shirtless. I grabbed Eddie's shirt that was next to me and put it on.

"What do you need me to do?" He asked as I looked up at him.

 I moved back on his bed and laid down and he laid next to me. I pulled him on top of me as he looked nervous he was going to hurt me. He was now straddling me and I grabbed his hands, gently putting them to my throat. I could tell he was uncomfortable with the situation as tears began to shimmer in his eyes. I felt his hands around my throat and closed my eyes. I tried to focus on my breathing instead of hearing what he was saying in my nightmare.

"Dani, am I hurting you?" I opened my eyes and saw Eddie looking worried. I grabbed his hands from my throat and just held them. He got off of me and just laid next to me. 

"I'm ok," I got up from the bed and walked out to the kitchen, taking off my jeans as I went. Eddie's shirt was ginormous on me and I set my jeans on the back of the couch. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge as Eddie walked out of his room. "Do you want one?" 

"Sure," I handed him the beer and he went to sit on the couch. I sat next to him as we just drank our beers sitting in silence. "I still can't believe you shotgunned that beer so fast." 

I laughed and drank the rest of my beer. 

"It takes lots of practice, I was a party girl back in my golden years." I sat the can on the coffee table and then turned to Eddie. "I met you during my golden years." 

Eddie made a choking sound and looked at me. 

"What?" He asked. 

"At Tina's Halloween party." 

"You remember that?" He asked. 

"Well, I didn't for a while, but the other night I was looking for things about the spider bitch and accidentally found an old journal." Eddie looked embarrassed. 

"Shit," He turned his face away from me. "Dani, I was going to tell you at some point." I grabbed Eddie's hand. 

"Eddie, I'm not mad at you. You were right, I went back to Billy the next day because I forgot I even broke up with him." Eddie turned to me still looking bothered. "I was thinking clearly when I said I wanted to then, and I do now." Eddie's face changed from bothered to shocked. 


"I wish I hadn't gotten so drunk that night. I don't know how I've gone all this time without knowing you." 

Eddie smiled as I got up and walked into his bedroom, sitting on the edge of his bed waiting for him. He walked into the room with his shirt in his hand, smiling. He closed the door as I moved further onto the bed. He jumped onto the bed and laid over the top of me, grabbing my face and kissing it. The kisses were rough and needy as my hands searched his bare chest. My lips parted as his tongue slipped in as we fought for dominance, and he won. His hands reached the bottom of my shirt. He pulled away, looking at me, making sure it was ok. I reached down and pulled my shirt over my head. Eddie stared at my body underneath his. 

"God, you are so beautiful, Dani." 

Eddie began kissing the bruises all over my body, sending shivers down my spine. His hand caressed my thigh, creating butterflies in my stomach. I pulled him back up to my face, kissing him, hard and passionately. His hands grabbed at my bare waist as I ran my fingers against his smooth skin. Eddie began unbuckling his belt, getting off of me to take off his jeans. I couldn't help but admire his tattoos from afar. I pulled him back onto the bed, straddling him. I began tracing his tattoos with my fingers as he just stared at me smiling. He quickly flipped me underneath of him, tracing along the lines of my underwear. He began kissing my chest as he pulled my legs around his waist. 

"Eddie," I gasped as he began kissing my stomach. He looked up at me, making eye contact. "I want you."

Eddie took of his boxers, then my underwear. He reached for something on his nightstand, before ripping it open with his teeth. He slid it on, then began kissing my neck as he slid into me. I grabbed his shoulders as our hips rolled against one another. He grabbed my hips, pulling them harder against his. 

"Danielle," He moaned in my ear as I ran my fingernails down his back. I gasped as he began going faster. I felt pressure build up in my stomach as I arched my back into Eddie. I ran my hands throw his hair, lightly pulling it. 

"Eddie," I gasped. We both came down in a euphoric bliss, kissing each other hard and pasionately. He held my hands above my head as we finished, kissing along my neck, leaving marks. Eddie gently laid next to me as I laid my head on his chest. I traced his tattoos as he played with my hair. 

"I'm so lucky to have you next to me," Eddie said as I drifted off to sleep. 

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