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"You guys?" Robin looked around and she was not where she was moments ago. She stood in the bathroom in the high school. She checked herself in the mirror and she was in the jumpsuit she got while shopping with Chrissy, Nancy, and Dani. "Nancy? Chrissy?" 

"What's wrong, Rob?" Chrissy walked out of the stall fixing her dress. "Nancy stayed out there with Jonathon and the guys. Are you alright?" 

Robin nodded as she pressed her hand to her chest. 

"I just feel a little dizzy, that's all."

"We will go get you a drink. Come on." Chrissy and Robin walked out of the bathroom and down the high school hallway. The lights were dimmed and loud music rang through the halls. 

"Did you guys find Dani?" Robin asked. Chrissy turned to look at her like she was crazy. 

"Yea. She and Roman ran off yesterday. I can't believe she just left Eddie like that. But, she is my best friend so I guess I can't judge her." Chrissy led Robin to the table where Nancy and Jonathon were. Nancy looked just as confused as Robin as she looked around the room. 

"There you are," Nancy said, relief in her voice. 

"What is up with you two?" Chrissy asked. 

Robin looked across the room to see Steve and Eddie talking. They both were dressed so nicely. Steve was wearing a pale pink tux that complimented Chrissy's. Eddie was in a black suit, with a matching black button-up underneath. He wore a silver chain on his slacks and almost each finger was jeweled with a ring. 

"I'll be right back," Robin said grabbing a hold of Nancy's wrist. 

"What the hell happened?" Nancy asked. Robin explained to Nancy what Chrissy had told her in the bathroom. Dani leaving Eddie? Her cheating on him? Impossible. Something wasn't right here. 

"There you two are," Steve gasped at the sight of the normal Robin and Nancy. 

"We need to talk." Nancy led Steve and Eddie out into the hallway. Nancy looked around, spotting a couple making out then turned down a secluded hallway to make sure nobody would overhear. "This is what we know. Roman must have brainwashed Dani into leaving you and convincing everyone that she wanted it. According to a convinced Chrissy, she cheated on you and left. From what we know though, she is under his spell. She did not cheat on you."

"She would never do that," Eddie responded, looking down as he twisted the rings on his hand. 

"Remember that, because whatever Roman has planned isn't going to be good. We need to stop him."

"We should come up with a plan, right?" Robin asked. "Chrissy didn't even seem like herself. Do you think he controlled her mind too?" 

"Anything is possible," Eddie said quietly. "We will have to do it somewhere else. He will bring others into this and if Dani finds out that she hurt someone, she won't be okay." 

"Okay, so we lure them outside. Have we even seen them yet today?" Steve asked. Everyone shook their head. "Alright well, we should get out there and look for them. Eddie try to get Dani to yourself and we will try to get Roman outside."

"Jonathon is the same, he says he isn't convinced that Dani left willingly. He said when she came back last night to get her stuff from Eddie's that she seemed different. Detached." Nancy fidgeted with the bracelet around her wrist. "Dustin and the rest of the twerps apparently wouldn't let Jonathon go tonight if they weren't allowed to come, so they are here somewhere." 

"That kid always knows," Steve added with a smile. 

"Let's not forget that he's too cocky about it," Eddie looked over to Steve with a smirk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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