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Eddie and I walked into the house laughing as he was trying to pull his wet jeans from his legs. 

"This is all your fault, nerd," I said as I leaned onto the couch. 

"Who are you calling a nerd?" Eddie asked as he pushed me over onto the couch. I poked my head up laughing as he was trying to take off his pants. 

"My eyes!" I screamed covering my face. "Warn a girl next time." I got up from the couch and locked the front door. I turned around and Eddie was standing there in his boxers. "Where are your clothes?" He pointed to the floor where his clothes sat in a wet pile. 

"I'm cold, warm me up," He said as he walked over to me trying to pick me up. 

"Don't touch me," I screamed running upstairs and locking myself in the bathroom. 

"Dani! Where oh where could you be?" I heard him call as he walked up the steps. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed I looked like a drowned rat. There was a knock on the door and I opened it slightly. "Haven't you ever watched horror movies? You don't open the door when someone is chasing after you." 

"Someone has been learning," I said through the crack in the door. 

"Let me in?" He asked with that look on his face. I opened the door and he embraced me, picking me up, and wrapping my legs around his waist. 

"Take me to bed." Eddie carried me into my room and threw me onto the bed. I pulled my dress over my head as he laid down next to me. He began tracing the scars on my stomach, giving me goosebumps. 

"You are so beautiful, Dani."

"Eddie, you say that all the time." 

"Because it's true. Has nobody told you that before?" He looked into my eyes as he furrowed his brow. I shook my head. 

"Not really. I was either hot or sexy but never beautiful." Eddie reached his hand up to my cheek and kissed my lips. 

"Danielle Henderson, you truly are the most beautiful person I've ever seen." His fingers continued tracing the scars as he began kissing from my stomach up my chest. He was now on top of me as he kissed my neck as I gently pulled his hair. 

"What's the matter?" He asked looking down at me

"Nothing," I gave a small smile. 

"Dani, if you are tired we don't have to..." 

"Eddie, I want to..."

"If you are tired we can wait. I don't want you uncomfortable," He said getting off of me and pulling me into his chest. 

"I said I want to," I leaned up on my arm, setting my hand on his chest. "Please." 

I reached into the nightstand and grabbed a condom, handing it to him. He shook his head and laughed. 

"Never has anyone begged to sleep with me." 

"I guess I'll just go to sleep then if you're going to be rude," I said as I turned away from him. 

"No, no, I'm ready if you are." He leaned into my ear. "I want to finish what we started at the Lake." I felt Eddie's hand on my hip as I turned back to him, pulling him into a passionate kiss. Eddie pulled me on top of him. I pulled his hands off of my waist and pinned them next to his head, interlocking our fingers. I began grinding on him as we kissed and felt a smile on his lips. I pulled away teasing. 

"Please, don't stop Dani." I began to kiss down his neck leaving marks as I went before kissing back up his neck. A sound of pleasure escaped Eddie's mouth as I focused on the spot behind his ear. I pressed my hands against his sides as he grabbed at my hips so I would grind faster against him. I pulled away again and smiled. 

"Stop with the teasing," He said as he flipped me onto my back and I could feel him hard against me. He stared into my eyes and I nodded my head. He grabbed at my underwear before his own. Eddie grabbed my hands and placed them over my head as he gently pushed in. My back arched into him, needing to be so close to him as he just watched me. His hands grabbed at my hips pulling him faster into me. My hands reached for his hair, pulling it as he kissed my neck. He flipped me back on top of him as I rode him. He could tell I was getting tired so he flipped me underneath him, kissing me deeply as we came down together. He gently pulled out and we layed next to each other for a minute, catching our breath. He grabbed my hand under the blanket and brought it to his lips to kiss it. 

I got up from the bed, wrapping the blanket around me as I walked into the guest bedroom to get him spare clothes. I walked back into my room and threw the clothes at him as I tried to walk to my closet before he grabbed my hand, pulling me onto the bed.

"Eddie!" I exclaimed as he began kissing my neck again. 

"What's the matter, beautiful?" He looked down at me as I pushed his hair back behind his ear. We smiled at each other as he pulled me into him. 

"I need to put clothes on," I said trying to get out of his embrace. 

"Why, I literally-" 

"Don't finish that sentence," I said getting up from the bed with the blanket still wrapped around me. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top and put them on. I jumped back into bed with Eddie as he pulled me into his chest. I played with his rings as his hand rested on my thigh. 

"If you have a nightmare tonight, I'm here." Eddie gently played with my hair with his other hand while I listened to his breathing as I doze off. 

"Thank you for everything, Eddie." 

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