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"Dani, what are you doing here?" Chrissy asked as she was bound to a chair. 

"I'm here to save you." 

"Dani, she won't let us go. Not unless you trade yourself for us." 

"I will find a way, Chrissy. I promise." I turned around to see a red shadow of a person around my height, with the same brown hair as me. 

"Dani, run or she will get you. Dani, go!" 

I woke up from my dream covered in sweat. I looked over to see Eddie still sleeping. I gently got up and went downstairs. Everyone was still sleeping as I went into the dining room to look at the character book again. 

Lolth is the Demon Queen of Spiders. She displays formidable power and great cruelty with an affection for arachnids. The Spider Queen appears as an "exquisitely beautiful" female dark elf, sometimes covered in clinging spiders. The Spider Queen's sacred animals are arachnids. She is worshipped on the full moon in underground marble temples. Enemies and riches are sacrificed to her monthly. 

"The full moon is in three days," I quietly said to myself. I tried to find more information in Eddie's D&D gear but found nothing. I stumbled upon a leather bound book and opened it to see a date scribbled on the top Halloween 1984. I was about to put it away when I noticed a familiar name on the middle of the page. "Don't read it, come on don't be that person." I tried to talk myself out of it before I began reading it. 

Tonight, wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be. Garret abandoned me for some girl at the party tonight, but lucky for me someone found me. Dani is her name and she is something else. A girl who likes Motley Crue and asked to smoke with me. She was also dressed as Dana from Ghostbuster which was hot. We hung out all night, drinking, smoking, dancing. I don't even know how to dance. The bad part about tonight is that she won't remember me in the morning and will go back to her shitty boyfriend. She even kissed me tonight, but I took her to her house and made sure she got to bed safely. She told me she wanted to but I know better than to take listen to someone who is crossfaded. I hope someday our paths cross again, she is very special. 

"Oh my god, Eddie knew who I was before we met on Friday?" I began to feel nauseous and ran upstairs, making it to the toilet just time. I tried to hold my hair out of my face, but it didn't work very well. I leaned on my cheek forgetting it was bruised as a searing pain went through it. I looked around for a scrunchie but couldn't find anything before I got sick again. I heard footsteps behind me and felt my hair lifted off of my neck as a hand began rubbing my back. I looked back to see Eddie holding my hair back. 

"Oh God, this is embarrassing." I flushed the toilet and leaned against the bathtub, as Eddie was sitting on the side of it. 

"Are you ok?" Eddie asked.

"I've been better," I said with a little smile. I felt another wave coming and leaned over the toilet. "Better now maybe."

I flushed the toilet again and got up to rinse out my mouth. My legs felt wobbly and I began shivering. As I leaned against the sink, I got light headed, nearly passing out, but Eddie caught me. 

"Let's get you back to bed." Eddie helped me walked back to bed and tucked me under the covers. He found my trash can and set it next to me. He laid back down next to me as I turned away from him and he began rubbing my back. 

"Eddie you don't have too," I said in a tired voice. 

"I want you to feel better, Princess." I scooted myself back against Eddie and I fell asleep in his arms again. I slept the rest of the night without any dreams. When I woke up again it was morning and I felt Eddie gently breathing on my hair. I turned around to see him watching me sleep. 

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