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"Why don't you get some food, I'm gonna go put some comfy clothes on and I can find you some if you want?" Eddie and I walked into the kitchen and looked at what the kids had left us to eat.

"Why don't you stay and eat with me? You haven't eaten all day," He turned to look at me as I stood behind him leaning over the kitchen counter.

"Eddie, I'm really not that hungry still." I ran my hand through my hair.

"Come on, just one piece. You need to eat something or else."

"Or else what?" I smiled.

"Or else, I will leave you here with these brats and no fun time for you." He smiled back at me and winked.

"Fine, I'll eat something if you are going to force me." I stood up and grabbed a plate that Eddie took out of my hand and loaded with pizza. "You just said one slice."

"Oh, this isn't all for you, Henderson."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed myself a beer out of the fridge.

"Do you want some?" I asked.

"You know what, I just remembered, after we eat I need to run to my place to feed my cat."

"You have a cat?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yea, is that a problem?" He asked. "Because I'm sorry, if that's a deal-breaker, we aren't gonna work out Henderson."

"Eddie, I don't think I could be more attracted to you." We both smiled at each other. "What do you want to drink?"

"I'll just have water." I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and started into the living room when Eddie whistled at me and motioned to the dining room. I turned into the dining room and we both sat down. I looked down at the pizza and noticed something.

"Eddie. Is that fruit on my pizza?" I asked in disgust.

"Try it," He said as he just looked at me.

"Why is there..." He cut me off.

"Just try it." He lifted a piece to my mouth and I reluctantly took a bite. "Do you like it?"

"Ok, it's pretty good." I opened my beer and took a sip. We ate in a comfortable silence as Eddie gently held my legs on his lap. I finished my first piece of pizza and looked at Eddie as he continued to eat.

"Good girl." I smiled and grabbed the pizza from his hands. "Did I say I was done with that?"

"No, but it looks good, so I think I'll have it instead." I took a bite.

"You did not just..."

"I definitely did," I smirked and he rolled his eyes at me. "Who's a good girl now?"

I fed him the pizza then once he finished it, I stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be back, I'm going to put something comfortable on." I walked out of the dining room and upstairs to my room. I took off my jacket and put Chrissy's journal into the drawer of the table next to my bed to read later, then changed into black athletic shorts, a black tank top, and a cardigan. I walked back downstairs to see Eddie washing dishes in the sink.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked him, sneaking behind him.

"Being a dotting stay-at-home mom." I wrapped my arms around him and he turned around to face me.

"The best wife," I said as he moved my hands from his waist to around his neck. We stood there for a minute staring into each other's eyes, examining each other's faces. "We should probably get going before your poor baby starves to death."

Eddie laughed and pulled me closer to him.

"I can't wait for you to meet her," Eddie said as we began to the door.

"Aw, it's a girl? How I love girls!" Eddie laughed at me. "YOu know what, so what if I did love girls? Huh? Would that be so bad?"

"Not for me," Eddie said still smiling, I hit his chest.

"Oh my God, Eddie." I turned towards the living room and the kids were still watching Back to the Future. "We will be back."

All three of them waved bye without looking away from the tv. I saw the pile of movies on the counter and grabbed Halloween and Clue without Eddie seeing. We walked out to his van and headed towards his place. His hand rested on my thigh almost the whole ride. He pulled into the trailer park and parked in front of a blue trailer, which was right across from Max's. Eddie turned off the car and looked over at me.

"What do you have there?" He asked as he noticed the movies in my hands.

"Well, I didn't know how long you wanted to be here and away from everyone else, so I brought some distractions." I smiled, which was followed by his smile. He opened his door and got out then came around and opened my door.


"How generous." I hopped out and grabbed his hand and he walked me up the steps to the door. Once he opened the door, a giant black cat was sitting on the counter waiting for him.

"Hello darling," He greeted her by petting her. He opened a cabinet, grabbed a can of cat food and opened it. "Princess, this is Ozzy."

"She is beautiful." I stood there as I watched him pet her as she ate. She finished eating and turned towards me and jumped on the ground walking over to me. She began weaving in between my legs.

"She likes you," Eddie smiled then she ran off into another room.

"You spoke too soon."

"No, she likes you. She is going to get her best toy for you." Eddie walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "Let me give you the tour."

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