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I felt a shift in the bed as I turned to see Eddie getting up. 

"Where are you going?" I asked as he turned back to me. I looked at the clock to see the time. "Don't leave yet." 

"I have to, beautiful." Eddie leaned down to kiss me on my forehead. 

"Why?" I asked pulling him into a hug. 

"Wayne is taking me on a little road trip for the rest of the break, so I should get home to him. Why don't we meet after school on Monday." I gave him a sleepy smile as he got up. "Now, go back to sleep." I watched him walk to the door as he looked back at me. He smile as he closed the door and I fell back asleep. 

The rest of the week passed as Eddie was on his trip and I worked on school work and hung out with Chrissy and Steve. 

"Dani, I'm going out now. I left some money on the counter for you if you want to get dinner," I turned to look at my dad as I sat on the couch. 

"Where are you going looking like that?" I asked as I noticed him wearing a nice suit. 

"Umm, just out," He said as he awkwardly shoved his hands in his pocket. 

"Well, have fun, dad." I turned back to the tv as he walked out the door. I heard the phone ring and got up to answer it. "Hello?" 

"Hey it's Dustin, what are you doing for dinner tomorrow?" 

"Nothing, I don't think. Why?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"Mom wanted to see if you wanted to come." 

"Dusty, that sounds great. Is she home?" 

"No, she left a little while ago but I'm about to go over to Mike's to hear all about his trip." 

"Oh, alright, well, have fun. I'll see you in the morning." I hung up the phone and grabbed the money off of the counter. I walked out to my car and noticed a black car parked on the street. I ignored it and got into my car, driving to the Hideaway. I walked inside and was seated in a corner booth. 

"Danielle Henderson," I heard the familiar voice and I quickly looked up from my menu, feeling a tightness in my chest. The man with blue eyes and grey hair sat down across from me. "Don't worry, your safe." 

"Like I can trust you? You are the one who turned me into a monster." I set down the menu. 

"We aren't going to hurt you, not this time. We just need your help." 

"Who's we?" I asked. He turned to someone and motioned for them to come over and panic filled my body. 

"Hello, Twenty." I moved quickly trying to get up before they stopped me. 

"I don't know what you two want with me, but I can't help. I don't have my powers. And you," I turned to him. "You are supposed to be dead." I sat down as emotions filled me as I tried to hold back tears. 

"Danielle, we know this can't be easy for you-" 

"Sam, are we really going to do small talk? Twenty, we need your help."

"Don't call me that," I said weakly. "I have a name. I'm not a number." 

"You are the only person who can help us, Danielle," Dr. Owens started. "Dr. Brenner has a way to help you get your abilities back." 

"You know, don't you? What you created, when you gave me my abilities?" They both shook their heads. "You know, she tried to kill me and my friends. What could you possibly need me for?" 

"The government is on our asses and we need to help them, or else we go to jail," Dr. Owens said gently. I gave a sarcastic laugh and smiled.

"And so you thought, you could get me to help? Risk my life again?" 

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