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I looked deeply into Eddie's eyes, my heart began to beat faster, butterflies building in my stomach. 

"Eddie, you are really making this hard." 

"Making what hard?" He asked brushing my hair out of my face. 

"To not want to kiss you."

"So you want to kiss me?" He asked smiling. I looked down at his hand resting on my thigh and began playing with his rings. I looked back up. 

"I want to Eddie, I really do. I just can't be selfish. Dustin needs you in his life and I... I need to find Chrissy." I tried to get up, this time successful. I began walking up the hill as Eddie slowly followed behind me. Once we were up at Skull rock, I walkied the group. 

"Have you guys found anything?" I asked. 

"No, nothing really," Lucas responded first. 

"Nothing here either," Dustin said. "What about you guys?" 

"Just the usual beer bottles and clothing items people have left behind." I kicked a pair of panties out of my way. "Do you guys want to meet us up here?" 


"On our way." 

I put the walkie back into my pocket and sat on a rock. 

"You know, I've never been here during the day," Eddie said. 

"It's very peaceful." I laid back on the rocks behind me. "I love coming here during the day. Nobody is ever here." 

"Dani, do you want explain why Steve thinks you and Eddie are dating? You two literally met yesterday and only hung out with Hellfire last night, how the hell could you two be dating. Please, prove Steve wrong." 

I shot up off the rock. 

"Steve, I already told you this. Eddie is Dustin's friend. I don't date Dustin's friends. Eddie and I are just friends." 

"Yea, friends that hold hands and who know what it his van." Steve argued. 

"Are you kidding me Steve?" I turned around and Lucas, Max and Robin came from the other side. 

"What's going on?" Max asked. 

"Steve is convinced Dani and Eddie are together," Dustin said. Max and Lucas turned to each other and laughed. 

"That's so funny," Lucas said. 

"He's not even her type." Max added. "Tan, abs, tattoos and blue eyes are her type. Haven't you learned anything Steve? Well, he does have the tattoos but still Steve don't be a jealous asshole."

I turned to look at Eddie who was looking at me embarrassed and heartbroken. 

"Ok, well I am going to start looking around more. You guys please consider the conditions of my love life more openly, I dare you." I walked away feeling like I was about to burst in rage. I heard footsteps behind me and turned, clenching my fists. It was Robin. 

"Hey," She said. "I'm sorry about that up there. Steve has been so jealous of everyone lately. None of his dates have really worked out." 

"You shouldn't being apologizing for him, that's bullshit. And what does it matter my love life to anyone else? Maybe I met someone I really like and we made out a bit and I feel totally guilty about it because my ex boyfriend is six feet under and this guy is best friends with my little brother." 

"Holy shit." 

"Robin, please don't lecture me." 

"No, I wasn't going to. This is. Wow. You guys made out? When?" 

"You have to promise you won't tell anyone."

"Scouts honor, your majesty." 

"When you and Steve were closing the store. I told him about everything, my abduction, about El and the monsters and Billy, and then I was feeling horrible so he started tickling me. One thing lead to another we were making out. And I feel like a shit person. I told him I couldn't be selfish and can't do anything about this because of Dustin but its more than that. I can't lose another person, I just can't. If he gets even more brought into all of this, what's going to happen? Is he going to end up dead like Billy? I just can't let that happen." 

"Dani, you really like him. I can see that. Your guard is up, I understand that, but would it be so bad to have a little fun?" 

"Robin, you haven't lost anyone like I have. Of course we have all lost people, the whole of us have lost plenty of people. But I just don't want to bring Eddie into this any further. I hate myself for even having to tell him about the Upside down and me. I can't afford a little fun, not now, probably not ever. My past is always going to be there. I'm always going to be a freak with a barcode." I turned back around and headed for the van. "Tell them I'm waiting at the van, or don't. I'll find another way back." 

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