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Everything around me was a hazy shade of blue. In the distance, I saw a shadow. 

"Hello?" I called, beginning to walk closer to the figure. I realized it was a man, standing over top of someone else who was lying on the ground. 

"There is my bride," The voice rang and he finally came into full view. He looked like Billy but had fangs and blood all over his face. 

"Billy, what happened to you?" I asked but he shook his head and looked down at his victim in front of him. He was gasping for air, as he choked on his blood. 

"Dani, please," It was Eddie lying on the ground, but I felt nothing. "I love you, Dani, please don't." 

"Don't listen to him. He is just trying to keep you away from me. I am your true love, Danielle." 

"What happened to you, Billy? How are you here? Why do you look like that?" He stepped closer to me, his dark eyes piercing into mine. His cold fingers brushed my hair behind my neck as he placed kisses down my neck. 

"I'm not Billy, Danielle." There was a sharp pain in my neck and I looked over to see he had sunk his teeth in. I couldn't move. I couldn't struggle from his grasp. 

"Then who are you?" I asked and he moved down my arm with kisses paired with bites. 

"Count Strahd von Zarovich. And you will be my beautiful, undead bride, Danielle." He made his way to my hand and brought it to his lips. "Edward betrayed you. He took another lover but I will always worship you. You will be my Queen, my love." 


I laid in bed, replaying the dream over and over again. Eddie's dead body lying cold on the ground, while this man that looked so much like Billy wanted me as his bride. It was crazy. I was crazy. I turned over and wrapped my arms around Eddie. He groaned at the fact I woke him up but turned to look at me. 

"Good morning, Sweetheart." He planted a kiss on my forehead and squeezed me tighter than before. "How long have you been awake?" 

"Not long," I lied. I had been replaying this dream for hours as he slept. 'We should probably get ready for school." I tried to push up out of bed, but he pulled me back in. 

"Five more minutes." 

"Eddie, we are going to be late." 

"Oh, come on. We have two weeks of school left, no one is going to freak out if we are a little late." The past month rushed past us. Eddie was finally going to graduate and I was finally happy again. These stupid dreams had been happening every single night since my birthday, but I didn't tell anyone. I couldn't. Everyone needed to think that everything was back to normal. "Baby, are you ok?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I laid my head back on his chest as I ran my fingers over the tattoo on my chest. 

"Are you sure? You've been kinda weird lately." 

"I've just been stressed." Eddie dropped the conversation and I crawled out of bed. "Where did you throw my clothes last night?" Eddie pointed near his dresser and I found my jeans. I grabbed a t-shirt out of his closet and threw it on. Eddie and I fell into our own routines over the last month. I would stay with him on Tuesdays and Thursdays while Wayne worked and he would come over for family dinners on Mondays. We had our perfect little world. 

"Dani, what's that?" Eddie asked as he got dressed next to me. I looked down to see what he was asking about, but I didn't see anything. 

"What's what?" He grabbed my arm and ran his fingers over a tender bit of skin. It was a light bruise but nothing major. I was surprised he even noticed it, especially with the dim lighting of his room. I shrugged my shoulders and I pulled my arm from him to look at it. "I must've run into something." 

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