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"Foreigner? Really Eddie? This is a poor musical choice," I said as the boys in the back sang along horribly. 

"This is definitely not my mixtape," Eddie began rummaging through the box of tapes. He grabbed on out and threw it at me. "Put this in." 

Eddie seemed embarrassed by the music choice, so I left it on. 

"Aren't you going to change the music?" He asked. 

"Nope." I sat there staring at Eddie drive. 

"And why not?" 

"I want to see what you are hiding from me, Munson." 

Once the song finished, a Bryan Adams song came on and I just looked at Eddie in disbelief. 

"What is this Munson?" 

"It has to be my Uncle's mixtape. I swear, I would never listen to Bryan Adams. Are you kidding me?" Eddie began to sound agitated and embarrassed. I popped out the tape and put in the other one he wanted. 

"You know, I still don't believe that you don't secretly listen to Bryan Adams and Madonna."

I turned in my seat towards the road, taking my eyes off of Eddie. 

"Why did you change the music?" Mike asked. 

"Yea, we were really getting into the love ballads," Dustin added. 

"Apparently, that wasn't Eddie's mixtape. Some random person just broke into the van and left it here. That is one bad thief if you ask me." I turned my head to look at Eddie and he gave a small laugh and smiled. 

"Ha ha ha, so funny," He added as I looked back at the boy and all three of us just burst out into laughter. 

"Eddie, honey, you know, I would never judge you if wanted to listen to Madonna. I will bear that pain with you," I added.

"Dustin, tell me. Is this the beer talking or is your sister actually this... pleasant?" Eddie asked.

"Hey, you're the one who bought her the beer in the first place," Dustin responded. We drove a little longer as the boys talked in the back about Mike's upcoming trip to California to see El and Will. Eddie turned into Mike's driveway and parked the van. 

"Cya Wheeler," Eddie waved at Mike as he jumped out of the back of the van. Dustin unbuckled and got out too.

"What are you doing? Doesn't Mike have to be at the airport early tomorrow?" I asked. 

"I'm sure they won't mind me showing up. You how Mr. Wheeler just loves me." He smiled at me for a minute until he realized I wasn't smiling back. 

"Fine. Call mom then, she's probably worried sick. You know how she gets." 

"Yea, yea. I will," I put my hand out the window and he gave me a high five. 

"Be safe, Dani," Dustin said quietly as Eddie wasn't paying attention. 

"OH, you know me. I make the best decisions ever!" I said slurring my words to make him mad. 

"Ok, bye." He waved and then walked around to the back of the Wheeler's house to the basement door. 

"I swear, these kids are going to be the death of me," I said as Eddie pulled out of the driveway.

"Where to now, Henderson?" Eddie looked over at me for a minute as I thought for a minute. 

"Bar crawl!" I joked. 

"I don't think you need any more alcohol," He responded. I gave a disappointed aw and kept thinking. 

"We rented The Nightmare on Elm Street the other day. We could go to my place and watch that?" 

"What about you dad? Won't he care that a random guy is at your house?" 

"How would he know? He won't be home from work until tomorrow night." 

"What does he do?" Eddie asked.

"He's a night shift cop, but he's pulling a double tonight." 

"My uncle works nights at the plant."

"Wow, look at us with so much in common." We pulled into the driveway and Eddie parked. 

"You don't mind if I? Before we go inside?"

"No, no, go ahead. I'll head inside if you don't mind."I hopped out of the van and turned to look at him. "You don't have to keep asking if it's ok." 

I walked up to the front door and unlocked the door. Once inside, I threw my purse on the counter and looked for the tape. 

"Dustin, if you lost this movie," I said to myself as I searched the living room. I looked under the couch and there it was. "Gotcha." 

I set the tape down on the kitchen counter and looked for snacks. I got out popcorn and threw it into the microwave. Once that was going, I ran upstairs to put comfortable clothes on and get a few blankets. I changed into athletic shorts and an oversized sweatshirt. I grabbed the blankets and headed back downstairs to throw them on the couch. The popcorn was finished so I dumped it into a big bowl.  

"What is taking him so long?" I walked over to the front door, put slippers on, and walked out to the van. 

"Munson, what is taking you so long?" I asked as I made it to his van. He was sitting in the back smoking. I climbed into the back and sat next to him. 

"Can I?" I asked and he looked at me funny.

"You said earlier-" He started as he moved hair out of my face. 

"Yea, well, I wasn't under the influence earlier." I grabbed the joint out of his hands. He tried to grab it back from me. 

"You heard what Dustin said, don't make bad decisions." 

"You can do it, but I can't?" I asked as I nearly put it to my lips, but before I could do so, he tackled me over, smacking it out of my hand. "Rude." 

Eddie was now laying on top of me and I could smell the weed on his breath. 

"There was like half of that left," I said trying to reach my arm far enough to grab it. He noticed me reaching for it and began tickling me. 

"Eddie middle name Munson. Don't you dare tickle me!" I tried to smack his hands away but he just kept tickling me. I couldn't help but laugh. In between laughs, I tried to talk. "I...Am...Mostly...Sober...I...Can...Make...Sane...Decisions..." 

Eddie stopped for a minute and looked at me. 

"Is that so?" He asked, "If you can make sober decisions, tell me why you told me you don't smoke." 

I sat there for a minute completely blank in my mind. 

"Ummmm..." I looked into his brown eyes as he was still hovering over me. "You know something, Eddie? You are very good-looking." 

Eddie smiled then looked away and sat back on the floor of the van. I just laid there for a minute and remembered. 

"I told you that I saw a hallucination of my ex." I sat up and looked at him. "But, I have you to protect me from the demons tonight." 

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚎 ||𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now