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As I walked into the cafeteria, I noticed Chrissy and Steve sitting together, practically joined at the hip. Dustin and the rest of the party joined them. Robin and Nancy seemed to be in an entertaining conversation as they walked towards the table. I made my way with them and only heard the back end of the conversation that made the two of them laugh.

"Oh Dani, you just missed it. Nancy was just telling me about how Keith was asking her to prom and totally butchered it." 

"It was an admirable attempt but it made me miss Jonathon," Nancy had a lovestruck smile across her face. "So I called him and he's coming for prom!" 

"Nanc, that's great! When does he come in?" I asked as we sat at the table. 

The guys were in a heated argument, presumably about the new campaign. Chrissy was telling Steve about the prom committee and how they needed some strong people to help set up. 

"Well, it looks like the whole Byers-Hopper family will be coming too. I think he said they will be home on Thursday." 

"Just in time for prom on Saturday!" I hadn't told anyone that Hopper was alive. Dr. Owens must have told Joyce. There was no other reason they would come back. 

"Are you going?" Nancy asked. I looked over at Chrissy who was eagerly waiting for my answer. 

I nodded yes. 

"Perfect!" Chrissy was ecstatic and her excitement made Steve laugh in adoration.  

"She's just adorable isn't she," Steve wrapped his arm around Chrissy's shoulder. 

Eddie was missing at the table and I looked around the cafeteria for him. He finally walked in with someone I hadn't seen before but he looked very familiar. He had the same blue eyes as Billy did and matching dimples when he smiled. The two of them were smiling and joking around as they walked to the table and it was very unusual. 

"Eddie, hey. Who's this?" Gareth asked as Eddie grabbed a chair from another table and flipped it around to sit on it. 

"This is an old friend of mine, Roman Strahtford. He just transferred back and luckily enough he found me so he won't have to deal with the Hell that is Hawkins High all alone." 

As soon as both boys were seated, I had an eery feeling surrounding me and I tried not to look at either of them. Roman looked too much like Billy. If it wasn't for the strong nose and jet-black hair, they could be the same person. 

"Roman, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Dani." Someone under the table bumped my leg to get my attention and I looked up at Dustin who was motioning his head towards Eddie and Roman. When I looked over, Roman had his hand outstretched to mine. I shook it with a fake smile. 

"It's nice to meet you," I said meekly. 

"Is she always this quiet? Like a mouse?" Roman asked. 

"Never. Are you okay?" Eddie asked as I began packing my things up. 

"Of course, I just remembered I have some work for Mr. Andrews I need to turn in." I quickly got up and threw my book bag on my shoulder. I walked to the rest of the table before walking away. 

"Is she okay?" I heard Chrissy ask as I walked away. 

"She's been all jumpy and weird like this lately," Dustin responded as I walked through the doors. The hallway felt much warmer than the crowded cafeteria felt. 

"Dani," I turned to see Eddie behind me. He looked worried but I knew I could easily ease him. "What's going on?" 

"Eddie, I told you earlier. I'm just stressed and have been so busy with you and Dustin I have been neglecting my schoolwork. I'm going to the library to finish some assignments." 

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