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"Eddie, I know how to smoke."

"You know what, Dani? You are a real pain in my ass." 

"Well, you are a pain in mine." Eddie handed me the joint and I put it to my lips and inhaled. "That wasn't that hard, Captain Eddie." 

I took another inhale and gave it back to him. 

"Done so soon?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and threw my legs over the side of the van doorway. I then pulled them back into the van. "What?" Eddie asked. 

"There could be monsters under there that want to eat my feet. Or worse, a murderer who likes to slit people's ankles." Eddie looked at me and held back a laugh. 

"You know, I can't tell if this is just you or if the bud hit you that fast." 

"I think this is how I would normally describe myself." 

"You are something else Henderson." Eddie offered me the last of the joint and I accepted. He handed me his ashtray and I put it out. He climbed out of the van and I just sat there.  Eddie offered me his hand. 

"You don't think I'm getting out do you?" I asked. 

"Oh my God, you are a literal pain in my ass." 

"A cute pain in your ass." 

"Well, yes." He thought for a minute. "Come here. I'll carry you." 

I shimmied over to the doorway and he picked me up bridal style. He shut the van door and walked me up to the door. I grabbed the handle of the door to open it for us. Once inside, Eddie threw me on the couch. I stood up and walked out into the kitchen to grab the popcorn. 

"Want anything to drink? I have beer, Dr. Pepper, Slice, or water?" I asked.

"Whatever is easiest for you." 

I grabbed two Slices out of the fridge, then grabbed the movie and walked into the living room.

"Please, make yourself at home." I sat the food and drinks on the coffee table and sat in front of the tv with the tape. I put the VCR into the player and grabbed the remote. I got up and moved to the couch. Eddie was sitting on the edge waiting for me. I handed him his soda and I sat down next to him. 

"Do you like scary movies?" I asked him. 

"You know, I haven't really watched any." 

"Well you are in for a treat, let me tell you. I have seen this movie like 5 times. Watching it high is always a treat." I looked over at his face and he was just smiling at me. "What?"

"Nothing," He responded looking back at the tv, which was just showing pre movie commercials. 

"Well, if you get scared, don't be afraid to hold my hand." I stood up and walked out to the kitchen to turn out the lights. I grabbed a blanket from behind Eddies head and sat down, throwing the blanket over both of us. I grabbed the remote and pressed play. 

Eddie and I both jumped at a scare, even though I have seen it so many times. I noticed we had eaten most of the popcorn without realizing it. 

"Do you want more popcorn?" I asked. 

"If you do," He responded. I got up taking the bowl to kitchen and grabbing the Twizzlers I had hidden. I sat back down and grabbed a pillow and put it on Eddies lap and laid on it. 

"Is this ok?" I asked looking up at him. He smiled,

"If you are comfortable, I'm comfortable." 

"Do you get touchy when you're high?" I asked. 

"No, why?" He asked not even realizing he was running his fingers through my hair. I grabbed his hand from my hair and held it. "Oh, sorry." 

"Stop apologising, Eddie." I gave him a smile, still holding his hand and turned back to the movie. His arm was slung around me so I could continue holding his hand while facing the tv, while his other played with my hair. We stayed like this for the rest of the movie. 

"Wait! You're telling me she went through all of that to die at the end?" Eddie screamed at the tv when the movie was over.

"Did you think there was going to be a happy ending? Its a horror movie for a reason." I sat up looking at his upset face. 

"Henderson, why did you do this to me? How can you sleep after watching this?" 

I began to laugh. 

"Why are you laughing? Are you secretly a serial killer and you brought me here to kill me in my sleep?" 

I began to laugh so hard I fell off the couch. 

"Oh my God, I've been lured in by a serial killer." 

I quit laughing and popped up,

"I am not a serial killer, I swear. But I am kind of getting tired."

"You should be, its almost 3 am." 

"Shit, really?" I asked. 

"Yep." He looked at me. "I should probably go home.."

"Why don't you stay? All the drunks are probably out on the road and I don't want you to have to drive all the way back this late." 

"Are you sure? That's not weird for you?" 

"I mean you can sleep down here on the couch..."

"That is a hard pass, now that I watched that I am not sleeping alone." 

I smiled, 

"We can build a pillow wall, my bed is big enough for the two of us." 

"Sure, if you don't mind." 

I turned on the lights for the stairs and hallway and turned off the tv. We walked upstairs and into my bedroom. 

"Welcome to my room, it's nothing special. Let me go check if there are any clothes you can change into." I walked out of my room and into the guest bedroom and looked in the closet that had boxes on the ground. I found a pair of pajama pants and a Bee Gees shirt. 

"Ok, so the shirt might not be you and I didn't know if you wear shorts or pants so here's both." I handed him the clothes and headed for the door. "You can change in here, I'm going to get ready for bed in the bathroom." 

I shut the bedroom door as I walked out and walked into the bathroom to wash my face and get ready for bed. I found an extra tooth brush in the cabinet. I walked out into the hallway and bedroom door was open. I peaked in and Eddie was making a wall out of the pillows and stuffed animals he found. 

"You started without me?" I asked. 

"Yep, had to get in on the fun before you." I gave a tired smile. 

"I left a tooth brush on the sink for you." 

"Thanks." He walked out of my room in the pajama pants and his Hellfire shirt. I sat on one side of the bed and opened a book I had sitting on my table while I waited. He came back into my room and laid on the bed like a vampire with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Oh, so this is how Dungeon Masters sleep. I will definatly have to include this in my paper." 

I stood up to turn off the hallway light, then shut the door. I sat down and turned towards Eddie,

"If you have a nightmare, don't wake me up. Or I will get violent," I joked. I took my hair out of my bun and laid down, then turned the light off. 

"Goodnight, Munson," I turned away from his side of the bed. 

"Night, Dani." 

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