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Dustin, Eddie and I rode in Eddie's van to the show while Steve took everyone else. There was no talking on the ride, just the sounds of Blondie on the radio. I turned to Dustin in my seat. 

"I still can't believe you have been to one of his shows and I haven't." 

"Well, he is one of my best friends. The two of you didn't even meet until you had to be all clumsy and run into Eddie." Dustin laughed as he recalled our meeting at school, Eddie looked over at me and smiled. 

"Leave it to me to be the one falling all over the place." I looked out the window as we approached The Hideaway. Garret was standing outside of his car smoking when we pulled in next to him. 

"Look who decided to show up," He said as Eddie got out of the van, followed by Dustin and I. 

"Someone had to be a diva and take forever," I teased as Eddie looked at me. Dustin and Garret started talking as I walked with Eddie to grab his guitar out of the back. "I'm so excited to see you guys play!" 

"I am too." Eddie placed a kiss on my forehead before grabbing his guitar case. I saw Steve pull in as Eddie closed the back door to the van. "Well, we should go set up. I'll see you after the show?" I frowned. 

"I guess so," I said, fakely sounding sad. 

"I mean, you can come help us set up but it's nothing fun." Eddie and I walked back around the van to Dustin and Garret, who were now talking to Simon and Jeff. 

"Hey, Dani," Jeff greeted me. "We are glad you are feeling better." 

"Me too!" I smiled as we all began inside. Eddie and I stood so close, our hands brushed together as we walked, but never holding each other. Once inside, the guys began talking with the restuarant workers as the began setting up. I walked to the bar and ordered two beers, one for me and one for Eddie. I walked over to him as he was talking to Jeff about something. "I got you this." I smiled handing it to him. 

"Thank you," He said as he pulled me in by the waist. 

"Eddie," I said as I looked into his eyes. "They are right there." I looked over at Steve and Dustin then back to Eddie, he pulled me closer. 

"And?" He asked smirking, I gave a soft laugh. Eddie took a sip of his beer and I noticed something around his wrist. 

"Chrissy, gave that to you?" I asked and Eddie nodded. "What else did she say?" I felt panic rising in my chest. 

"Nothing really, just that you wanted me to have it if things went south. You know you are never getting this back right?" I sighed in relief as I took his hand in mine. 

"It looks better on you," I smiled at Eddie. Garret gave a sound of interuption and Eddie let go of me. 

"Not to break this up or anything, but we have a show to play." 

Eddie looked at me smiling as he set his beer on the table next to his guitar. Jeff taped the set list to the speakers in front of them and Eddie looked it over quickly, before writing a song to the bottom. I peaked at the list quickly. 

Love Gun

Too Young to Fall in Love


Looks That Kill

Master Of Puppets

Rock You Like A Hurricane

No One Like You


You Shook Me All Night Long 

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