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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell, jolting me up awake. I looked around and Eddie was nowhere to be seen. As I got out of bed, I threw my hair into a messy bun then ran downstairs. Steve stood in the doorway talking to Dustin, while Max, Lucas, and Eddie sat in the living room watching cartoons.

"Good morning Dani," Steve said, waving at me.

"We thought you would never wake up," Dustin said turning back to me and smiling.

"I might as well go back to bed, your mother is here." I joked we all called Steve the mom of the group.

"Ha ha ha, that is really so funny, Dani."

"Come on, Steve, you love having all of these nuggets to look after," I teased as I walked into the kitchen, noticing a box of donuts on the counter. "Dusty, what's this?"

"Oh, Eddie took us this morning to get donuts." Dustin followed me into the kitchen while Steve joined everyone else in the living room. "We didn't know what you liked, so we got you strawberry and a chocolate one."

"Well, that was nice of Eddie wasn't it." I looked into the living room to see Eddie explaining something to Steve, which made me smile.

"Dani, we need to talk about something." Dustin caught me off guard and turned to me with a serious face.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked.

"What you did yesterday, leaving without telling anyone where you went. It was really stupid and you can't just go off on your own."


"No, listen to me. I know I'm your little brother, so what do I know? I know that you scared the hell out of me yesterday. I can't lose you again, Dani. What if something had happened to you, huh? What would I do without you? You can't just go off on your own right now. We don't know who or what's out there."

Dustin looked at me with scared eyes.

"Dustin, I'm sorry I scared you yesterday." I hugged him. "I just wasn't in a place yesterday for everyone to talk about my so called love life, it was uncalled for and I felt attacked, so I ran."

"Just don't do it again, ok?" Dustin looked at me as we stopped hugging and I shook my head.

"Understood." I looked back into the living room to see Eddie looking at me. I gave him a little smile then walked over to the stairs before turning to Dustin, "I'm going to get ready, I'll be back down soon."

Once upstairs, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on some makeup.

"Good morning," I jumped at the voice and turned to see Eddie standing in the bathroom doorway with his arms folded.

"God damnit, Eddie. You scared me."

"Didn't mean to scare you," He said throwing his hands up defenseless.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked as I finished my mascara.

"Well, I was coming to see if I left a ring in your room, but got distracted." I turned towards Eddie, trying to get out of the bathroom.

"You are such a flirt, Munson." Eddie moved out of my way and followed me into my room. I opened my closet, looking for something to wear. Eddie was searching for his missing ring as I searched my closet. I looked out the window and saw it was rainy.

"Are you going to do a fashion show for me?" Eddie asked as he sat on my bed adjusting his rings. I laughed as I pulled out a green flannel, a black tank top and grabbed black ripped jeans out of my dresser.

"No." I began out of my room and into the bathroom to change. I walked back into my room where Eddie was still sitting on my bed.

"So, what's the plan today, Princess?"

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