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I woke up to Dustin yelling and slamming on the door and I looked around to see Eddie sleeping next to me. His face was still bruised and his knuckles looked worse. I leaned down to his ear. 

"Eddie, wake up." He startled awake and smiled when his eyes focused on me. "Come on, we have to go to school." I got out of bed and quickly got dressed. I looked at the clock and it was already seven. "Munson, pick up the pace or we will be late." I threw the bag of clothes he left here last time at him as he got up to get dressed. I walked into the bathroom and saw the cut on my lip and I tried to cover it with lipstick. 

"Come on, you two! I'm going to be late!" Dustin yelled from downstairs. I walked downstairs and grabbed my book bag off of the ground and we waited for Eddie. He slowly came down the steps as Dustin and I were impatiently waiting at the door. 

"Come on!" We both said in unison. We all walked out to Eddie's van and he drove us to school. We parked next to the guys as they were all standing outside of their cars. 

"Eddie, what happened to your face? And your knuckles, man." Jeff said as he saw Eddie get out. 

"Oh, Dani," Chrissy started as she got out of Garret's car. "What happened?" 

"Nothing, I'm fine," I said. 

"I got into a fight with Jason," Eddie said. We all walked up to the school as I heard people whispering around us. 

"You think the 'freak' hit her? Or do you think she asked for it?" I heard a cheerleader ask as she sat on a guy's lap. More whispers rang through my ears and we soon passed Jason, who looked like he was turning into Freddy Kruggar. I pulled my arms around me as his friends began laughing and joking that Eddie did this to me. I left everyone and walked to class. 

"Hey, are you alright?" A random girl asked me as I sat at my desk. "Did the freak hurt you?" 

"I'm sorry? He is not a freak for one and for two no, Jason did this to me. Eddie was protecting me." I turned back to my work as the lecture began. By the time I was out in the hallway, I heard everyone saying how Eddie hurt me and Jason was protecting me. It was finally lunchtime and I noticed a bunch of people around the Hellfire table. Eddie was seating with the rest of the guys as people yelled at him. I saw him with his head down trying to ignore everyone and I quickly walked over there. "Could you all just stop! He didn't do anything!" I used his shoulder as support and got onto the table. "Since all of you want to spread rumors, how about we talk about how Jason is a creepy pervert, who likes to look through girls' windows at night and take pictures." Jason turned to look at me and got up. 

"Get off that table," He said. 

"Are you going to deny it?" I asked, feeling all of the pent-up rage finally releasing. 

"You don't know what you are talking about." 

"Really? Chrissy, isn't it true? That he likes to take pictures while the girls are changing in the locker room?" She looked down and shook her head. "Heard it here first from the Queen of Hawkins. Jason is a sleaze, who doesn't know what the word no means. I know there are others, girls, out there," I looked around the room as some girls looked down at their hands and I could feel their pain. "Eddie didn't hurt me, Jason did. He's hurt plenty of people, so this is the end of your reign." I flicked him off before jumping off of the table and walking out of the cafeteria. I heard another fight break out as Jason tried to run out of the cafeteria. I walked outside and closed my eyes trying to keep my anxiety at bay. I walked down into the woods behind the school and sat at a picnic table as I picked at the scabs in my hands. 

"Dani, are you ok?" I turned around and was frightened by Eddie. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. You ok?"

"I'm fine." I turned back to look at my hands. He sat across from me and sat his jacket across the table. 

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