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"Will the two of you stop fighting!" I yelled as Mike and Dustin were arguing, making my head pound. "I swear if you don't you can walk." 

"Sorry, Dani," Mike said as Lucas walked to the car. 

"Hi guys," Lucas said getting in. "Did she just yell at you guys or something?" 

Dustin and Mike nodded as I headed to Garrets. Once there, I parked behind Eddie's van. He was standing outside with Jeff and Garret smoking. 

"Are you coming in?" Dustin asked, smiling at me. 

"I guess," I said grabbing at my head. 

"Are you ok?" He asked. 

"Just a headache, you know how I get after a stressful day." We got out of the car and walked up to the garage. 

"Hey, sheepies," Eddie greeted. 

"That's embarrassing, Eddie," Mike said. 

"Is it?" Eddie asked me and I shook my head. "Oh well, I am gonna keep saying it." 

The guys were all talking about the campaign as I just stood there zoning out. 

"Who wants pizza?" Simon yelled as he walked up the driveway with a bunch of pizza. 

"Finally, food," Jeff said as he, Garret, and Simon went inside. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas followed, leaving Eddie and me alone. 

"You gonna eat?" I asked Eddie as he finished his cigarette. 

"Yea, I just don't want you to be out here alone." 

"I'm alright on my own." 

"I know, I just don't want you to be alone." I took a sharp inhale before moving my hand to my neck. "You ok?" 

"Yea, I just get really bad headaches after things like today." I looked away from him as I spoke. He put his cigarette out before walking over to me. 

"Do you mind?" He asked before touching me. 

"Go ahead." I felt his warm hands wrap around the back of my neck, massaging the knots out. His hands moved slowly, yet thoroughly, relieving the tension held in my shoulders. He began rubbing down my back before I stopped him. "Thank you." I turned around and smiled at him. 

"Feel any better?" He asked.

"A little, thank you." 

"You guys coming in?" Mike asked, poking his head out the garage door. 

"Yea, we'll be right in," Eddie said before turning back to me as Mike closed the door. I pulled a joint out of my pocket and he pulled out his lighter. I put it between my lips as he lit it and I took a drag. "Do you have panic attacks often?" 

"Sometimes. They just come out of nowhere." 

"When was your last on?" He asked. 

"Maybe three months ago." I took another drag before putting it out. "But today was the shortest one, so I have you to thank." I began for the garage door as he followed behind me. I opened the door for him to go in first. Once in the house, Eddie led me to the kitchen where everyone was standing around eating. 

"Took you guys long enough," Garret said and everyone laughed. 

"Enough from you," Eddie responded as he grabbed some food. He looked over at me with questioning eyes as I stood next to Dustin. "Aren't you going to eat?" 

I shrugged my shoulders as he just stared at me. 

"Someone else tell her to eat," He said as he took a bite of pizza. Mike, Lucas, and Dustin all looked at me. 

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