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"Dani, you look beautiful." Eddie stood in front of me with a bouquet of red roses, wrapped in brown paper. He had his leather jacket over a black button-up shirt and skinny jeans. The top few buttons of the shirt were left open, exposing the black ink on his chest. 

"She does look quite ravishing, doesn't she?" Roman emerged from behind Eddie, dressed more formally. He wore a black suit jacket with a deep red shirt underneath. He reached for my hand to spin me around in my dress. 

My dress. 

It wasn't the dress I had gotten earlier in the week. It was a white dress with lace embellished down the sleeves. 

As Roman twirled me, the coloring in the sky changed. It darkened into a strange blue, little white particles flying around. Roman let loose of my hand and stopped twirling me. He stood behind me as Eddie stood where he had been. The smile dropped from his face. The bright and vibrant roses began to lose their color as they drooped forward in his hands, losing all life. 

"What did you do?" Eddie asked, losing any bit of admiration he had for me. He seemed angry and cold. Not the Eddie that loved me. He lunged forward, grabbing my wrists firmly in his hand. I looked down at my hands, shaded in maroon. "You killed them didn't you?" 

Along with my hands, my dress was stained red. I tried to pull my hands from Eddie but he held on too tight. 

"You're a monster, Dani."

I felt Roman behind me, planting kisses down the back of my neck until a sharp pierce hit me. His teeth sank deep into the skin. 

"How could you? Steve? Robin? Dead. Your own brother, Dani? How could you let them just die? How could you kill them?" 

"I...I won't..." My voice sounded weak, it hurt too much to talk. 

"You already did, Dani. And now, you will kill me." 

I woke up feeling frozen. I didn't recognize where I was and tried to figure it out. I couldn't move my body and I began breathing hard and sharp. 

"Dani, are you okay?" Eddie asked from next to me. He was struck with worry and he sat up next to me. I tried to shake my head but tears escaped my eyes instead. Eddie wrapped me in his arms and pulled me into his chest. "What happened, Princess?" 

"N-nothing." I finally felt my muscles relax and I ran my hands down my face. "I'm sorry I woke you up." 

I tried to pull myself from Eddie's lap but he wouldn't let me. He truly knew something was wrong. 

"It was just a nightmare." 

"Billy?" He asked pressing his lips to my forehead. I shook my head. 

"It was everyone this time. Dustin, Steve, everyone. And I killed them." 

"I know it felt real, Princess, but it was just a dream. Everything is okay and everyone is alive and well. Do you want to call Dustin?" Eddie tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. 

"No, I don't want to wake him up. Let's just go back to bed." I looked down and noticed I was in my clothes from the day and crawled out of Eddie's arms. I grabbed one of his shirts off the dresser and threw it on, taking off my jeans. 

I laid back down next to Eddie and he laid his arm across my stomach as he laid on his side. 

"How did you and Roman meet?" I asked in so much as a whisper. Eddie was quiet for a minute as if trying to remember. 

"He used to live a few trailers down, I guess we just ran into each other or something and we just clicked. He liked all the same things I liked and we were best friends up until he moved." 

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