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"Where did you learn to cook like that?" Eddie asked as he set down his fork as I finished eating. I giggled without giving an answer. "Gatekeeping are we?" 

"No, it's just, it was Billy." I finished eating, grabbed Eddie's plate, and walked out to the kitchen with it. I turned on the water and began washing the dishes.

"Let me," Eddie said as he stood beside me at the sink. "You made dinner, the least I can do is clean up." I reached up on my tip toes and kissed Eddie. 

"A true gentleman." I walked towards the stairs as Eddie began washing the dishes. "I'll be right back." I went upstairs into my room and grabbed my book before returning downstairs. Eddie was still washing the dishes as I laid on the couch and began reading. 

"The Taming of the Shrew?" I heard Eddie ask as I looked over my book to see him at the edge of the couch. "Isn't that like about an abusive marriage?" 

"Kind of, but I have to finish it before Monday for class." I leaned forward, making room for him on the couch. "Do you plan to graduate this year?" 

"I do. I wouldn't want to miss graduating with you." I smiled as Eddie laid down on my chest and I began to run my fingers through his hair. 

"How did you get held back twice?" 

"My parents put me ahead when I was younger. They thought I was an absolute genius. When they died, Wayne saw I was struggling but wanted me to have the future he didn't so he kept me ahead until I flunked the last two years." He looked up at me. "But I wouldn't have neccesarily met you if I would have graduated already." I smiled at Eddie as he kissed my hand. 

"And what's your plan after high school?" I asked. 

"Well, not college, at least not yet. The guys and I really want to work things out with the band. Hopefully get a record deal or something." 

"Eddie, that's amazing." 

"What about you?" 

"I'm moving to New York in the fall." Eddie looked up at me with surprise in his eyes. 

"New York?" He asked trying to sound excited for me, but it came out a little sad. 

"Yea, I got accepted to NYU." 

"Dani, that's amazing." He smiled at me. "What's your major going to be?" 

"I haven't really decided. There's just too much to choose from." 

"That makes sense, there are so many different ways you could go." 

"Well, you know there are great bars in the city that Corroded Coffin could play at. You know, if you guys come to visit." A bigger smile appeared on Eddie's face. 

"Yea?" He asked as readjusted himself overtop of my face, looking at my lips. 

"Of course, Eddie." I smiled as he placed a kiss on my lips. He looked back at me and smiled. 

"I really like you, Dani."  

I smiled, looking away from his glare. 


"I want to show you somewhere." Eddie got off of me and we walked out to his van. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Just drive to Lovers Lake." Eddie grabbed my hand and I placed it on my thigh. Once we were there, Eddie parked the van and we got out. I grabbed his hand and made him follow me through the woods to my spot. 

"What's this?" He asked as we made it to the tree. 

"I like to come here when I need to feel safe or when I need alone time." 

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚎 ||𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now